Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13

An hour ago, I heard that my neighbor's surgery is going well.  The triple bypass is completed and they are working on closing him up.  He is stable.  I am so thankful that things are going well.  We have been anxiously waiting to hear that everything has gone well and he is recovering. 

I am thankful that his children were in good spirits both this morning and this afternoon when I took them to and from school.  I know this cannot be easy on them.  I am thankful for the family they have that has been so supportive. 

I am thankful for playgroup and our wonderful hostess Rachel.  She teaches me how the little things can make an impact.  I am thankful that despite the heavy snow we all were able to travel there and back safely.  I am thankful for friends to unload some of my heaviness on.  (Even if they feel they didn't' do anything--just an ear always helps!) 

I am thankful for downtime today (even if I was sorting some things) it still felt SO GOOD!  I am thankful for pigtails!  Yes!  Both girls let me put them in today!  I am thankful that my girls like to pretend to be little mothers and carry their babies around on their backs (even if they are carrying them upside down!) 

I am thankful Valentine's Day is almost over.  I know it is a fun holiday but helping to put together 40+ Valentines this year was a bit exhausting--especially when you need to do a lot of helping (and honestly I think the Holiday is kind of dorky).  I am also thankful that Rob and I don't celebrate it.  Because every day should be Valentine's day for us!  We do have a special chocolate and wine date that we have at the end of February every year--and we consider this our special Valentine gift if we feel we need to justify not exchanging gifts.

I am thankful that Ky shoveled the driveway for us without complaint.  I am thankful for leftover taco meat and a salad that Ky made yesterday--it made for a very easy dinner.

I am thankful for Alaina's teacher who hosted a special family craft day.  We had fun painting, making bracelets and heart puppies.  Alaina would have stayed there until the end of the time if she could have.  It was nice to visit her classroom and to listen to her tell me where EVERYTHING is and if I had any questions she would answer it for me! :) 

I  am thankful that today is almost over because once it is over our neighbor's surgery will be done.  He will be reunited with his wife and his body can heal.  I know it is just the beginning of a long healing process for him and his family, but I am happy that the process can begin. 

Psalm 46:1  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.


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