Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 23

Today I am thankful that all puke made it in the toilet (VERY THANKFUL!).

I am thankful that this is the first "puke" of the winter season (I know--we have been VERY blessed this winter!) and I am thankful that it is Kylan who is good at getting to the toilet.  I am thankful that it has been a very mild bug and he actually had a very nice day despite his sickness.

I am thankful that I enjoy being at home, so the change of schedule didn't bother me.  I am thankful the girls played so nicely this morning while I got to work on laundry, dinner in the slow cooker, and read a chapter of my book study.  I am thankful for my old Tae-bo video from way back in the day.  The kids and I had a fun time working out with Billy Blanks (yup--even Ky--I told you he wasn't that sick!)  and I enjoyed reminiscing of my college days.  I sure do miss my old roomy-Tori!  I am thankful for even more reminiscing when I found our old College Freshmen yearbook and there was Tori and me sitting next to each other (her head affectionatly on my shoulder while I appeared to be strangling my good friend Allison.)  Such good times!

I loved it when Talia asked for Alaina to read her a naptime story.  And then Alaina took her to bed.  Those girls have such a special bond. 

I was very proud of Kylan completing the large amount of homework I gave him before he watched videos for the afternoon.  At this point I was sure he was well enough to go to his swim lessons tonight.  However, he took a turn for the worse and I knew he wasn't up to lessons shortly before dinner. 

Unfortunately, Alaina still had lessons and I had every intention of getting her there.  I am thankful that I called her "bluff" when she said she felt like puking too and couldn't go to lessons.  I was a little worried that she would vomit in the pool or something and she did miss dinner from all her drama, but it was a good call.  She was just fine. 

I am thankful that when Talia started yelling that she wanted to puke at the pool no one appeared to be paying attention.  I told her she could wait and puke at home and she seemed satisfied with that answer.  (You gotta love it when little ones start talking about things they hear about, but don't understand.)

I am thankful that we made it home before Ky puked again.  I am thankful he made it to the toilet and that Daddy was there.  I am thankful it was bedtime and we put the kids straight to bed. 

I am thankful for the day, it really was a nice one until the pre-dinner drama.  I was able to cook an additional meal for a friend in need and start one for another friend.  I washed a lot of laundry and worked some in the basement.  I did miss playing with the kids, but they got a tv treat.  (Normally only 30 minutes a day, but when they are sick we make exceptions.) 

I am thankful that overall our health is good and that this "bug" will be over all too soon.  I am thankful for Ky's knowledge of antibodies as he told me not to worry and that his antibodies were going to fight this.  And I am thankful that he is right.

Psalms 107:9
For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

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