Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28

Today I am thankful for health on the mend.  I am thankful that I was able to sub today and that my job was simple enough my body did not tire too quickly.

I am thankful honored to have the opportunity to work beside so many wonderful teachers and to see their dedication to the students.  Teaching is not just a job to them--it is their lives and they strive to make a difference.  I am thankful for the opportunity to work at a school I had not been to yet on the East side. 

I am thankful that despite the 1 hour of recess duty (comes with taking the easier job) my toes did NOT freeze off like I thought they had and I don't believe I suffered any frostbite.  I am thankful (and am jealous) that my son had indoor recess, because it seemed too cold to me to be outside and too dangerous with the ice.  The kids were told blacktop only--and yeah, it was like herding mice.  They kept wandering out towards the playgrounds or on the snow piles.  Recess duty is never anything I will enjoy.  (I am thankful,  I am a certified high school teacher so I don't have to deal with recess when I go back to work full time.) 

I am thankful that when I came home, Rob was doing okay.  He was feeling off that morning and while he was still feeling off--he was not sick.  We did have to call Nana though to let her know the situation.  She decided to come get the kids tomorrow instead of driving here tonight and spending the night.  (She doesn't want any of our germs!  Smart lady!)  I am thankful that Uncle Ryan still came and the kids were ecstatic to see him.  They even got to try on his fatigues.  Talia even told him he needed to come back soon. The kids sure love their Uncles. 

I am thankful bedtime is soon.  I am exhausted!  One more night of good sleep and I think I should be back to my old self--now let's just hope Rob can be fixed by tomorrow so we can have a great date night! 

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

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