Saturday, February 08, 2014

Saturday, February 8

I am thankful for my beautiful children that ran to me and gave me hugs when I woke up this morning.  I am thankful that Ky only has one more basketball game.  I love watching him play, but I know he needs a program that challenges him more.  I am thankful that the Ref (the guy in charge of the program) noticed that Ky's coach was not putting him in the game and put him in.  (Long story short--the ref told one kid he couldn't play since he played in the last game.  The "coaches" are teens and well, Ky's coach today wasn't doing anything.  In the second half, she put in the kid that was told couldn't play since he played in the previous game.  Then she made Ky sit out two rotations in a row.  When she had him sit out the second time I went over and talked to her and pointed out the kid that wasn't supposed to be playing.  She informed me that it was her brother and it was his turn.  I told her she wasn't being fair since he had played in the previous game and the ref had said he couldn't play this game.  Yeah--so when the third rotation came up and AGAIN she did not put in Ky, I went over to talk to the ref and he quickly noticed that Ky hadn't gotten any playing time.  He then told Ky's coach that her brother shouldn't be playing and told Ky that he would play the remainder of the game.  After that I tried to figure out how I could best be like Jesus and it was to not say anything to her as I walked back to my seat, which I did.  However, she was SO angry.  I don't understand why!   She was being unfair.  ARGH!  Okay this short store was long....)

I am thankful that Ky made a basket even though it was a crazy lucky basket (behind his head sort of basket!)  I am thankful for the man that showed Ky how to shoot.  He really needs better coaching and next year we will find a program that works with him better.  I am thankful for this program.  It was affordable and he has learned a lot and enjoyed it.

I am thankful for a husband who bravely called a classmate of Ky's father to RSVP to a birthday party.  Ky got a last minute invite and we don't know the family and they are not native English speakers so we were concerned about a language barrier.  I am thankful that Kylan enjoys all his classmates and wanted to go --language barriers are of no concern to him when he can speak Spanish so well!  I am thankful that I had extra gifts on hand so I didn't have to run to the store for a present.  I am thankful that Rob took Ky to the party and stayed there until he was settled and comfortable.  I am glad that Rob was able to connect with the family and I am a tad jealous he got to eat a homemade tostata while he was there. 

I am thankful for the time to sort through clothes for Talia.  And I am SO thankful to the people who have given us clothes.  Talia has more than enough for next year and I am able to pass some of these clothes on to other friends.  I am thankful for time at the gym.  I am thankful that Alaina let me postpone our treat date together until tomorrow. She didn't seem bothered at all that I had to move it at the last minute due to Ky's party preparations.  What an awesome young lady she is turning out to be!

I loved watching the girls color picture after picture today.  I also loved watching Talia pretend to ice skate in the kitchen after seeing some in the Olympics.  Soon I will love that all the kids are in bed and I will sit down to the tv with something sweet to eat!  (Ice cream or ooey gooey popcorn?  I can't decide!)

Psalm 118:21
I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation.

Ky's "Claude Monet" impressed painting

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