Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21

I am thankful for NO SCHOOL!!!

And I am thankful for the extra 10 minutes I got to sleep this morning before the kids woke me up.  No really!  I was a little bitter at first, but then I thought about how they could have woken me up early or on 10 minutes is definitely better than the other possibilities.  (Could you tell I was trying to convince myself?--yeah...just a bit.)

I am thankful for the leisurely morning where I was able to take the time and bake a yummy breakfast for the kids.  I enjoyed reading a book while they drew pictures (Alaina is excited that she has learned how to make puffy lips, eye lashes, and a triangle shape nose.)  Ky got out a pirate secret code kit and wrote secret messages and Talia followed along.  I am thankful for a fun afternoone with friends. 

I am thankful that a friend told me about a free event (just bring a food donation for our local pantry) for the kids.  I picked up the neighbor kids and we all went to the event at an indoor soccer field.  We met up with several different friends there. The kids had a blast.  We were there for 3 hours and the kids didn't get to do everything.  There was indoor soccer, basketball, football, floor hockey, karate (yes both Ky and Alaina were taught to break boards!), 3 bounce houses, balance beams, trampolines, face painting, balloon animals, decorate your own cookie, indoor playground, badmitton with balloons, cornhole, bean bags, etc... The kids had a great time!  I am so thankful for a community sponsored event like this. 

I am thankful for the peaceful drive back (the sun was really pretty shining on the snow in the fields.) I am thankful that the kids watched the rest of Cars 2 in Spanish and I was able to do food prep during this time.  I am thankful that they played well together afterwards.

I am thankful that I saw my neighbor today and he looks GREAT!  I am thankful that his recovery is going so well and that he is in high spirits.

I am thankful for a hard lesson Alaina had to learn tonight. I know she is very sad and upset about it--but I know it will only make her a better and more thoughtful person in the long run.  (I am thankful she is in bed early because I know she is tired and overreacting a bit.  I think in the morning she will be able to understand things better.) 
Growing up is hard.

I am thankful for the snuggle time Talia and I had before Daddy starting their bedtime stories.  I tried snuggling with her this morning and she didn't want to.  It made me really miss when she was smaller and would curl up in my arms.  My babies are growing up so fast--hence the reason I blog.  I want to remember all this special moments and treasure them forever.

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

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