Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25

Today, I am thankful for all of my kids being healthy.

Everyone woke up this morning in good spirits and our day had a wonderful start.  I was especially touched when Ky yelled at me from the front door (while waiting for his ride to school), "Mom!  I forgot something!"  When I came to him he said, "I forgot to get my kiss from you."  Boy!  Doesn't he just melt your heart?!  I am so thankful to have such an affectionate boy.

I am thankful for lots of baking and cooking that was done today that left our house smelling YUMMY!  I am thankful for the opportunity to cook dinner for a friend.  I was even more thankful when I dropped it off and saw her smiling face and met her new daughter.  She is a beautiful little girl and in that 1 minute introduction, she reminded me much of Alaina.  I think our 2 girls will hit it off and I can't wait until they meet.  I am so thankful that the Lord has completed our friends' journey to adopt their final family member.  This little girl has no idea what a blessing she has already become in short 5 years.  And to think--this is just the beginning.

This morning, the girls and I made doll beds out of cardboard.  The girls had a wonderful time painting them and I loved watching them.  Talia was COVERED in paint.  I am thankful for washable paint.

I am thankful for the book reading time I had with both girls today as well as the special snuggle time with Talia.  I am constantly reminded that she is growing up fast so I have to enjoy them while I can.  I am thankful that while I snuggled with her today, I could still picture her as a little baby looking up at me with those same hazel eyes.  I am thankful there are certain images of our children we will never forget. 

I am thankful for chicken noodle soup for dinner and yummy bread with homemade preserves.  I am blessed by having the desire to cook as well as the time.  I do worry about the day I will return to full time work.  I don't think we will eat nearly as well.

I am thankful for fun games of "copy cat" that the kids can all enjoy.  I love little giggles and laughs.  I am thankful that we can find fun in the little things.

Philippians 4:8
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or preaiseworthy--think about such things.

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