Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10.

Today I am thankful that health problems in our family has been minimal.  I am thankful that we are able to provide help to those that need it and just be there in rough times for others. 

Last night, after I blogged, my neighbor and good friend called me to tell me her husband had been taken to the hospital that morning due to a heart attack.  This has come as a shock to us all.  He is young (just a few years older than us) and has several children.  I was glad that she called me to let me know and I am glad that I can help her with her kids this week whenever she needs it. 

While the heart attack was mild and he was originally expected to be released tomorrow, testing this afternoon has revealed that he will need triple bypass surgery.  Please join me in praying that testing will come back positive for him to receive the surgery and that the surgery will be smooth and uneventful and he will quickly recover.  Please also pray for peace for the family.  I don't know how my neighbor does it, but her faith in the Lord and trust in him teaches me so much and if anyone has the strength to endure this--she does.

I am thankful that I was able to get a lot of paper work done this morning while the girls colored.  I am thankful for homemade macaroni and cheese NOT from a box that the kids enjoyed for lunch.  I am thankful that I can take the time to make meals at home.  I am even thankful for the pizza burgers I made for dinner--even though I didn't think they tasted very good.  I am also thankful for friends that loan me things like the microwave potato chip maker.  It was a fun experiment and I haven't decided if I am going to purchase one--but the chips are made without oil making them so much more healthy than bagged chips and they tasted pretty good!

I am thankful I was able to go to the gym and exercise. I know many hate it. I am thankful that Rob loves to run and does so often and inspires me to stay active. I am thankful that Rob goes on these crazy clean eating diets with me and doesn't mind when I do crazy things (like my mother) like make chocolate cookies with black beans instead of flour--hey, they weren't half bad! I am thankful that while I made these cookies today, Ky didn't really question the fact that I was making cookies with black beans--and he was there ready to taste the dough. (Okay--so I have raised weird kids!--but at least they aren't afraid to try new things! :P) )

I am thankful for good friends.  I am thankful for my friend Kelly who offered to bring Alaina home from school for me tomorrow.  Oh--how that helps since she missed her nap today, I know she will be trying to make it up tomorrow.  God bless Kelly!  I am thankful that our children have a stable home where missing a nap is about one of the worst things that could happen in their day!

I am thankful that Alaina's classmate didn't have cancer and that her teacher thought it was hilarious when I called to check on this story.  I am thankful that the student only had a tonsillectomy and will be back to school this week. 

I am thankful for the foster meeting that I attended tonight.  When I left, I did feel that we are a good fit for it and that we have something really special to offer. I am thankful for little girls that continually run around in tights and torn tutus and little boys that pretend they are the best basketball player in the world.  I am thankful that they all want to be carried up to bed and to be carefully (or tickley) tucked and kissed each night. 

I have so much to be thankful for--and I know that even though I feel exhausted from the day and just the thoughts of what my friend is enduring with her husband-- God will be there and will take care of them.  And I am thankful that they have this faith and know this as well. 

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28

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