Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday, Feburary 22

Ooh ooh!  Date night!
Rob and I woke up to munchkins, but we were more than happy to get up because tonight we had a date night!  YEAH!  I am so thankful for date nights with my best friend!

I am thankful we had a leisurely breakfast and morning (and took Alaina to ballet.)  Well, maybe it was that leisurely--I made the kids clean up the downstairs.  (They had toys EVERYWHERE!)

Rob and I then went sofa shopping.  Yes--the time has come and with the going out of business sale we went to on Thursday, we (or maybe I) figured we should just do it and get it done.  

I have to say that furniture shopping is frustrating.  It is hard to know if the salesman is giving you the true story.  For example, we saw one couch we really liked and then went online and discovered that the material it is made of has horrible reviews.  Shortly after the warranty expires the material starts to flake off.  Seriously, we just want something that is going to last through our children.   We don't need lies, just give us honesty.  So we visited a fair amount of stores and I think at this point we know we need to get a microfiber or bonded leather (maybe?) couch. 

I still feel confused though because then we need to decide if we are getting plain old couches or a sleeper couch (for company.)  Well, for now we will leave the decision for next week.  I am thankful that we are in a position to buy a couch.

There was some fun in shopping for a couch--for example the kid figured out that the couches made their hair staticky and sticking straight up, so it was amusing watching them rub their heads on couches and laugh at each other.

Around 3:30, Nana arrived.  The kids were excited.  I am so thankful that we have a great mom that is more than happy to drive to our house and watch the kids.  The kids LOVE her!   Rob and I left around 5 to begin our date.  (BTW--I am thankful to my friend Julie for giving me a fabulous pair of boots--they worked out great!)

Every February, Rob and I go to a wine and chocolate show at our local indoor gardens.  This was our special date for that.  It was great!  There were all kinds of wine to taste (my favorite was Cherry Bounce by Von Stiehl) some liquers (sweet apple by Yahara Bay was my favorite) and some chocolate (though sadly not as much as in past years.)  It was a wonderful time.  We drank and ate a lot and enjoyed walking through the tropical gardens and dreaming of the warm summer yet to come. 

After that we went to a local restaurant for dinner.  The establishment was small and so tables were VERY close together (we were less than a foot away from the next table.)  Rob and I had a nice time, but were constantly distracted by the couple next to us.  They were on their first date (having met from he was 20 years older than her and well--he definitely was hoping to get lucky tonight.  The guy was pouring it on thick--and well she seemed to be falling for all of it. 

I had been hoping that at some point he would go to the restroom and perhaps I could say something to her, but that never happened.  EGADS!  I am thankful that I am no longer in the dating scene.  WOW!  I am thankful that I have a wonderful man like Rob.  I am thankful he never had to "lay it on thick" and we could begin our relationship as friends and take our time enjoying it.  I am thankful we never rushed anything.  I pray that she was able to make some wise decisions last night and that she is able to find a man who truly wants to get to know her before moving into "the heavy" of a relationship. 

After dinner we came home to children bedded!  YEAH! Have I menitoned I am so thankful for Nana?  I am also thankful for a WONDERFUL evening with my man and just the time to escape and be together without the constant distractions of children.  The Lord has reminded me more than once today, just how blessed I am.

  Psalm 146:5
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.

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