Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12

Today I am thankful for the business of the day.  Sometimes the business gives you less time to think about things and just enjoy the norm.

This morning, I loved it when Alaina asked when we were going to adopt a kid.  We told her, "We aren't adopting a kid."  She then corrected herself and said, "I mean when we get to have a kid and then give it back!"  I am thankful that the kids are excited with the idea of fostering.  We would think twice about moving forward if they did not like the idea. 

I am thankful for the wonderful vegetables I got at the store today.  I am thankful for friends who understand the importance of family and close friends.  I am thankful for my neighbor that entrusted me with checking up on her son and helping her out during tough times.  The upcoming surgery is tomorrow most likely after lunch.  Please keep them in your prayers.

I continue to be thankful for close neighbors and the outpouring and desire to help.  Today we only received an inch of snow--but one neighbor was already out shoveling the family's driveway.  Another family has already made a meal and another one wants to know when they can send food over. 

I am thankful for the time, I had at Ky's school today.  I am thankful for how Talia has really interested several of the students to read to her.  I am thankful that she can be a blessing in the classroom and motivation to read.  I also continue to be thankful for Ky's teacher.  She is the one that got me motivated to check out how close I was to getting my Master's.  She also talked to me today about having Ky tested for gifted and talented in Math.  The thought had not crossed my mind, but now that she mentions it--I believe she is right.  He picks up on it so quickly that it is hard for me to even keep up with new math challenges.  We are so blessed to have a teacher that stays on top of him and his abilities. 

I am thankful for the hour of downtime I had before picking up the kids from school.  I am thankful for my friend Julie who stopped by to chat.  She really picks my day up!  She also watched Talia while I went and picked up the kids from school.  She is a blessing every time I see her. 

I am thankful for our marriage seminar that started tonight.  It is nice to take a break from everything and take the time to focus on our marriage.  I am blessed to have a husband who is just as interested and motivated by these things as me (maybe it's the perk of getting a break from children for an hour and a half! :) )  I was blessed by the reminders of how different men and women really are, but when they come together they can be amazing together.

I was blessed by Ky's joyfullness from AWANA's (even though they did weigh him down in candy.)  I know he was a little nervous going. 

I loved when we got home and watched Talia jump up and down to get out of her coat.  I loved how Talia told Aunt Julie to "Please come back soon!" with puppy eyes and then watched her leave from the window.  I loved how Kylan let me put a +48 on the back of his sweatshirt that said "52" so he could help celebrate the 100th day of school.  I love how Kylan loves his football hoodie.  That was an awesome find!  I also love how Rob told me that Alaina was helping to clean up the classroom when he came to pick her up.  She was being a special helper to the teacher and enjoying it.  I love that Alaina told me she made friends with the new girl in class today and enjoyed playing with her.

I love knowing that soon the kids will be in bed and Rob and I can talk about the day.  I also anticipate tomorrow--the surgery being over and hearing that our neighbor is doing well in recovery. 

Psalm 27:11
Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path

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