Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14

To start off, I am thankful that my neighbor is doing great.  He is alert, the ventilator has been removed and all his stats are normal.  He is recovering quite well.  Thank your for your prayers.  I had a chance today to talk to his sister-in-law and she said that things are looking good.  She told me how the family has really stepped in to help out with the kids and make birthdays special this weekend.  Everyone should have family and friends that are this supportive.

I am thankful that this day is only once a year.  It's a fine day, but the Valentine day stuff is just a bit much for me.  It has just become too "Hallmarked" for me.  Not to mention it almost seems like competition between moms on who can make the best homemade Valentines for their kids (and let me tell you--a lot of moms are making them, it's different if your kids are making them...)  Yeah--I'm not that mom.  If my kids wanted to actually make them under my guidance we would do it, but Ky definitely doesn't care.  And well, Alaina, she's not there yet (thank goodness!) 

We went to the dollar store and the kids picked their favorite box of cards.  And then the day before Valentine's day, Ky declared he would also like candy to hand out.  (REALLY!?  Every holiday just seems so fact I bet we still have candy left over from last Valentine's day....)  So like a good mom, I scrounged around in the basement and found some candy.  (Okay--I know I don't sound like such a good mom, but I have learned to buy candy when it is on sale and keep some on hand for situations like these...)  So Operation Happy Valentine's Day is complete! 

I mean, seriously, I do feel bad for single people on this day.  I also think that this is another excuse to use money to impress your Valentine, when money doesn't have (or shouldn't have) anything to do with it.  Alright, I need to get off  my rant.  I will say that Rob and I have a date for wine and chocolate at the end of February every year--we consider that our Valentine gift to each other and don't worry about all the schmooze stuff....

Now that that is said, I have to say I was touched when Rob came home with a bouquet of flowers and gave each child several flowers from the bouquet.  Now that melts my heart.  I know it probably didn't mean much to Ky, but Alaina--yeah, that is right up Alaina's alley.  And with Talia looking on, she knew it was pretty special.  I am so thankful that the Lord picked this man for me and to be the father of our children. 

Today was a rough day for Alaina.  Apparently she had forgotten what clothes she had picked out for today (I have her pick out the week's outfits on Sunday--it makes things easier).  She threw a total tantrum. I stick with the rule of, once it is picked out we are not changing (otherwise, she will try to change clothes every morning and then we will always be running late.  Poor kid.  Some day she will learn that clothes really don't matter.  And I will be thankful for when that day comes.

After the sad morning routine, we did spend some time together before school and I even spent some special time fixing her hair for school.  It was Crazy Hair Day at school and so I made her hair look like hearts.  It really was cute, but it took a while to do.  She loved it--at first.  And then it was time to go to school and she threw a tantrum and wanted me to take it all out.  Yeah--that wasn't happening.   There was no time.  So she went to school sad and mad and I did tell the teacher (in a whisper), "She's in a bad mood!  Good Luck!" 

Well, the teacher had good luck because when I picked her up she was happy again.  And she said that EVERYONE LOVED HER HAIR!  (go figure!)  I am thankful that she was able to kick out of her mood and hear from other people that she looked good.

I am thankful for the time Talia and I had coloring before naptime.  I am also thankful for snuggles before nap.  She is growing so fast. 

I am thankful for the time I had cleaning the basement.  It is coming along slowly but surely.  I have incentive now that I know we will have home inspectors coming to the house.  (Now--there is nothing wrong with our basement, it just needs to be organized and we have a lot of things we need to get rid of.  (Can we say garage sale!?)  )

I am thankful that Ky still says "Elmo" when talking about his elbow--though it is getting hard to keep a straight face.  And I am starting to wonder if I should correct him before a classmate does.  But man--it's so cute!

I am thankful that Ky's teacher continues to work with him on math.  She introduced him to fractions today and it appears he has caught on really quick!

I am thankful Alaina has embraced my Cabbage Patch dolls.  I wasn't sure if she would appreciate them--and I found them when I was working in the basement.  I had been planning to give them to her and Talia soon, but it looks like now was a good time.  I hope they have as much fun with them as I did. 

And now I am thankful for bedtime.  Let's face it, I am always thankful for bedtime.  The quiet is much needed as well as adult time--just me and my best friend. 

John 15:9 - 12
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

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