Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19

Yeah--today was awesome.  I am just amazed by the outpouring of compassion from those around me.  Have I mentioned that my neighbors rock!?  And have I mentioned the staff at Ky's school?  WOW!  Okay...back track to the beginning...

Shopping Wednesday.  It really is nice to shop at the same times and to get to know the people who ring up your groceries and stock your food.  I really do enjoy seeing them and attempting to make small talk (hey--I have learned much! See--that social thing--I am starting to get it!)  I did have a small meltdown when the kids knocked down a display in the store.  But I am so thankful for cellphones.  I remembered that even though I am SOOOO Angry right now, I need to snap a picture and I will find it funny later.  So there I was snapping a picture--and after we cleaned up the mess and I walked on, I quickly became thankful that they only knocked over the chip display and not the GIGANTIC Olympic Rings display made of coke products. (Yeah--I stayed FAR away from that display.) 

I am also thankful that I caught Talia SEVERAL times today slipping things into the cart!  YUP!  I made NO EXTRA purchases today!  (The last several weeks she had slipped in some pricey merchandise that I did not discover until I got home.  But today, I won!  YEAH!) 

I am thankful for the AMAZING weather we had so we were able to walk to school.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  The birds were chirping, I saw some green grass--there was hope of spring in the air.  I was slightly tempted to open windows in the house. 

I am thankful for school staff that continue to ask about our neighbor and have put some things in place to help her family out over the next month or two.  I am thankful for Ky's teacher.  Today, she told me that Ky had taken the math Talented & Gifted test and that she would let me know when she got the results.  She also said that she was having him tested on a few other things in the coming weeks.  I guess I am torn on my thoughts about this.  The testing will  be on creativity--and well--Ky is very logical.  I guess we will see and then figure out where to go from there, if we need to go anywhere from there.   

I did talk to Ky about how the math test went.  He told me that the lady told him he probably wouldn't be able to finish it because it went up through 6th grade math.  I asked him how he thought he did and he said he finished it.  He said that the last couple of problems were tricky, but he just needed to do extra work to do them.  When I asked him to give me an example he gave me a basic Algebra problem with bigger numbers.  Yeah--he knows how to do that.  Now, I just hope he wrote things neat enough.  I should mention that Ky has very sloppy handwriting.  His 9's look like 4's, 6's like 0's.  I wish I had talked to him before he took this test about making sure he took his time to write the numbers correctly.  Geez--I think I am overworrying about this--but I do think that he needs to be more challenged in math, so that is all I want to see come out of this.  A program that meets his needs as far as challenging him so he doesn't get bored.  I need to just leave this in God's hands--he will work it out for the best. 

Anyway, I had a very nice time working in the classroom.  Noah, one of Ky's friends, even came over and told me how much he enjoyed playing with Ky at our house the other day and would love to come again.  That made me feel good.  I am thankful that our kids' friends like to come over.

Speaking of which, after school I was thankful that the weather was so nice the kids played outside with the neighbors for a while before coming over and playing at our house.  They were speaking in Spanish to each other!  That doesn't happen too often.  It was really neat (though made me feel a bit like an outsider.) We are so blessed by the bilingual program at Ky's school. 

I was blessed by the visits of several neighbors.  The conversation and the gifts that they had given our neighbor with the heart attack was just amazing.  I LOVE seeing the community step in and help others.  Is there any better way to show Jesus' love?!  I am just elated by the generosity of others.  I also received several emails on the same token that just put a smile on my face.  The Lord has just surrounded me by amazing people and I am blessed by that. 

In all--my day was wonderful--and when it isn't wonderful, I remember to pull out my camera to help make it feel wonderful later!

Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

--yeah I went King James on you! HA!




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