Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16th

Today I am thankful that depsite my loud children Grandpa was able to sleep peacefully this morning.  I am thankful that Rob and Grandpa took all three children to the train show.  I am thankful I had time to go to Saver's for their 50% off sale where I picked up shorts for Rob, pants for Ky, and 2 workout items for myself.  Did I mention I shopped ALONE!!??  I am so thankful--because that is rare.  I am thankful I got to enjoy lunch on my own and sew Ky his new curtains.  I am thankful I had time to vacuum the part of the basement I organized.  I am thankful for the easy going afternoon after everyone came back.  I enjoyed listening to the Bill Nye vs.  Ken Hamm debate (which I will not discuss my opinions here--but I did find it pretty interesting.)  I am thankful for breakfast for dinner.  I am thankful for Ky's quickness when it comes to math.  Ky told me tonight at dinner that we had 6 halves of children.  Wow!  His teacher just started talking to him about fractions on Friday.  That boy continues to amaze. me.  I am thankful that my neighbor continues to get better--he is doing more walking.  It is hopeful that he will return home in the next few days. 

Colossians 1:16
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

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