Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11

Today I am thankful for -16 degree weather.  Actually, I really am.  The way I see it, we can only go up from here.  I don't believe we will have another day this cold this year so I believe it will only get warmer from here!  :P

I am thankful to take the kids to school and to chat with the neighbor kids and see how they are doing.  I am thankful that the girls are motivated to clean house so I could vacuum (even if it was with a promise of watching Sesame Street when they finished!)  I am thankful for PBS--the programming on that channel is just amazing.  Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  What a great show to teach love and caring for each other?!  My kids don't watch much tv, but when they do I always steer them to PBS choices. 

I am thankful for updates from my neighbor on her husband.  Cell phones are wonderful devices!  I am thankful for email as well!  I am thankful for my neighbors.  They are an amazing group of people who are always looking out for each other.  I honestly don't think the Lord could have led us to a better place.  Speaking of which I feel the same way of our school.  Our school has one of the highest poverty rates in the city and yet all I see of these people is giving giving giving!  Talk about reflections of Jesus.  He had nothing and yet gave everything!  After I picked up the kids from school today, one teacher approached me with a bag of meals they had cooked the night before for our neighbor.  She cooked these meals within HOURS of hearing of the heart attack.  Amazing people!  And my children are so PRIVILEGED to be taught by individuals like her.  (Please continue to keep my neighbor in your prayers.  The triple bypass is planned for Thursday.  Please pray for no complications, a quick recovery and peace for the family.  I know this is especially hard on the 2 youngest children because Dad will most likely be in the hospital on their birthdays.)  

I am thankful for our conversation (Rob and I) last night on foster care.  Rob and I have decided to proceed through the application procss as emergency foster care parents.  I am excited about where this journey will take us.

I am also thankful for a phone call I received today.  It turns out that I only need 9 or 10 more credits to get my Masters in education.  And it looks like 2 of the classes I can take will count towards my Alternative Education License.  I am excited.  I miss teaching and this wets my palate for going back. 

I am thankful for the time I had with the girls this morning.  We made "stain glassed" hearts and banana bread.  I also danced with Talia several times--yeah, she is obsessed.  I think she was actually in her clothes for a total of 20 minutes before she took them off and put on her tights and leotard. 

I am thankful for the 6 bags of clothes I am able to pass on to a friend.  I have been so blessed to have received hand me down clothes for my girls that I am just as excited to be able to pass them on to others. 

My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


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