Thursday, February 06, 2014

Thursday, February 6

I am so thankful that we bought the Ninja!  Rob and I had excellent smoothies for breakfast--that's right!  We learned and are keeping something from our clean eating month. 

I am thankful for Playgroup friends that host fun events at their house (Bonus if they live nearby--and this one did!)  I am thankful that they are understanding when I am late especially since I went to the gym and wanted to get a shower in.  Speaking of which, I am so thankful the Kid's Club at the gym paints my girls' nails.  I know they love it and well--I'm just not so good at it--and it honestly feels like a hassle for me to do it.  I am so blessed that I have others that minister to them and their girly needs.  Back to Playgroup...I am so blessed to have made such great friends with these women and to be able to share our ups and downs.  I was blessed to see Krissy today since we don't get to see her often.  I am also thankful for little Violet who will turn 2 tomorrow.  Time sure does fly by fast and these kids grow so quickly!  I am also thankful that we didn't go to a public place for Playgroup so Talia could enjoy her pooping in a clean home and I could still chat with my lady friends instead of impatiently waiting for her to finish.  I am also thankful that Alaina was helpful and cleaned up many of the toys even when she was not asked.  She really has blossomed into quite a helpful young lady.

I am thankful for the library and the hold system.  I was so excited to pick up some books today and I LOVE looking for new ones.  I am thankful that the kids also enjoy the library.  I am thankful that since we had some extra time before school the girls and I read a few books together.  I am also thankful and so blessed that when Alaina jumped out of the van to go to school she remembered she forgot to kiss me and jumped back in. --and let me tell you that was a WONDERFUL kiss!

I am thankful that Talia did not take FOREVER to eat lunch today and we got to read two books before nap time.  I am thankful I did not have to pick up kids after school today since it was carpool day!  I am thankful that I spent a fair amount of time working in the basement (it will be clean someday!)  I am thankful for excited children when they return home from school and pictures and notes declaring that they love me!  (I think I forgot to be thankful for Ky's report card yesterday...He did a wonderful job and has almost achieved his end-of-school-year reading goal so they have changed it to be an even higher level!  I am so proud of him and his achievements.)

I am thankful for leftovers that make an easy dinner.  I am thankful for another ladies' night learning more about God and parenting.  I am thankful that I was able to meet a few new ladies and actually feel like I connected.  Being in a new group like this can be hard for me, but I have felt God leading me and I know that I should be there. 

Finally, I am thankful that tomorrow I get to sub--even if it is for 4 hours of Study Hall--EEKS, but I am hoping the 2 hours of Spanish should help make the day interesting.  I am thankful that the secretary at the High School really likes me and calls me ahead of time with these jobs even when she knows my availability is limited.  I am thankful that I am still able to get in the classroom and the desire to teach again burns strong in me. 

I am also thankful that Rob will happily run to the grocery store for me and take care of the normal day-to-day to-dos.  And I am happy that I know he will report back to me if he "finds a smile in every aisle" at the grocery store.  (I put it on the grocery list--hey the flyer said that they have it, so I want verification.) 

Phillipians 3:1
Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.

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