Saturday, March 01, 2014

Saturday, March 1

We made it!  I am thankful it is March and I am thankful that March will not fool me! I have NO high expectations of March so I will NOT expect warm weather!  So THERE!  (Just had to get that out of my system as we were expecting another 2-5" of snow today.)

I am thankful that even though Talia was up much of the night with a sick tummy she did not puke!  YEAH!  I am thankful that Ryan was understanding when we did not get up early and have a nice breakfast made for him.  I am thankful that he took care of the kids for a bit until we got up.  I was sad that he had to leave so soon!  We do enjoy our visits with Ryan.

I am thankful that I got up with enough time to have the kids all ready when Nana arrived!  I am thankful that she took them and that they will have a wonderful time wiht her for the next day and a half.  I am thankful that Talia only cried for a little bit. 

I am thankful Talia ate much of her "eetmeal" (oatmeal) this morning.

I am thankful that Julie decided to take Talia for the day anyway despite the fact that she had an upset tummy the night before.  (I am thankful that Talia was feeling all better by morning.) It was a wonderful treat for her to spend the day with her and Katherine and Angela and she LOVED IT!  I am thankful that despite the snow we all had safe travels today.

I am thankful we stopped at a ring shop to have Rob's ring looked at (the band broke) and they were very honest with him.  Sadly, that seems very rare these days.  They highly recommended that he have his ring looked at where we purchased it, otherwise they may disregard any warranty we have on the ring if we have work somewhere else.  They also told us that 2 of his stones were falling out and he should not wear it until he has it repaired.  I am also thankful that they looked at my ring free of charge and told me it was in great shape with exception of one prong that needs to be repaired at some point in the future. 

I am thankful for the nice lunch we had together.  I am thankful that my appetite was back enough to eat some food.  I am thankful for our nice talk and connecting time.  Did I mention I was thankful to Nana and Julie for taking the kids? :)

I am thankful we went to Slumberland.  I am thankful that we remembered how well they treated us with our dining room set years after it was damaged.  I am thankful that we found a couch we liked and I am thankful that we did not move to buy it right away, but instead sat down and discussed it for a while.  I am thankful that this helped to prompt the salesman to offer $100 off the sales price!  SCORE!  I am thankful we have now purchased a sleeper couch and loveseat and we will not have to search anymore!

I am thankful for the powerful message in church tonight.  It reminded me (or God prompted me) that I have things I need to do.

I am now thankful that after picking up Talia (after she had a WONDERFUL time at Julie's) she is in bed and Rob and I will have some time to relax together.  It was a great day!

Romans 12:17 - 21
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.  On the contrary:  “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.  In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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