Friday, March 07, 2014

Thursday, March 6

I am thankful for kids that get ready for school and get moving before we even get out of bed! 

I am thankful for evidence of muffins (crumbs) eaten in the bathroom--though the thief still has not been found.  I am thankful for the opportunities this weekend to address honesty and asking before taking.  I am thankful there was other food--so that even though the planned breakfast was eaten--we will not go hungry. 

I am thankful to discover that the neighbor kids have meltdowns too (that makes them late or behind in getting ready.)  I am so glad that no matter how perfect of a parent you are, you cannot control your child's emotions.  I am thankful that I have this time to work with them and help them learn to control their emotions. 

I am thankful for good friends that are flexible and can come to my house while I frantically try to fix a mistake we made.  I am thankful for their understanding and letting me vent.  I am thankful they can help me laugh about it.

I am thankful for the post office in the grocery store and how kind the lady was with the kids (even when they were getting testy.)  I am thankful for the library.  I LOVE the library.

I am thankful that even though Alaina left her hat and gloves at the library, I could still drop her off at school knowing the teacher had extras.  (Yes--I did go back to the library and get them...)  I am thankful that even if we hadn't been able to get them, we have extras at the house. 

I am thankful for a phone call from Concordia.  I am excited to begin my application to their graduate school program.  I am so thankful for the convenience and the many options of their program.  I am thankful that my application fee will also be waived since I have been a student their previously!  YIPPEE!

I am thankful for after school playdates that go well (especially when they play out in the snow for an hour!)  I am thankful for new relationships with parents and am hopeful for my playdates in the future.

I am thankful for easy recipes even if the kids did not like the meal. 

I am thankful for my book study and the chance to talk with others about how to parent and deal with our frustrations.

I am thankful for a husband to come home to and talk with. 

I am thankful that even though today started off really crappy it ended really well. 

Romans 8:14
 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

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