Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday, March 22

What a relaxing Saturday!  How blessed I am!  After Alaina's ballet lesson, we returned and just relaxed for a bit.  I worked on updating the blog with pics and videos (check it out!) and Rob read while the kids played.  We left for Costco around lunchtime.  The kids whined and complained, but quickly changed their mind about Costco when they got to try sample after sample! Mmmmm.... I was a light lunch by tht time we were done--and we left with the carrot cake muffins!  DELICIOUS!

When we returned home I was bummed to find out Julie couldn't come over for dinner with her girls.  Angela, her daughter, was sick. :(  When I told Talia she said, "That makes me sad."  Very cute. She loves Aunt Julie and Katherine and Angela. The afternoon was nice.  I worked on my resume (bleh--I know) while Ky and Alaina played, Talia napped, and Ky went for a run.  After a delicious snack of carrot cake muffins, Rob and I resumed our Foster Care Online training (which seems to be taking FOREVER!--but it is good info.)  We did learn some new things today and have more questions to ask our coordinator when we meet with her in the next couple of weeks.

For pizza/movie night we watched "Annie".  Aunt Julie had given the girls the book and Alaina has been obsessed with it, so it only seemed appropriate that we should watch it.  Wow!  It has been a long time since I have seen that movie and I enjoyed it.  And so did the girls.  They loved the singing!  Even Ky got into it.  So many memories came back to me of how much I loved the movie.  Yeah--I bet the kids will want to watch it again before we return it.  (Talia was so cute trying to dance to the music at the end.)

Which reminds me--I still have to decide if I am going to sign her (Talia) up for ballet this summer.  It is so far away and I know she would like it, but I was planning on waiting to sign her up for classes when the school year started.  Maybe, I should do it sooner so she has something special.  She LOVES dancing.

So that was our relaxing day which I am so thankful for.   I am off to tuck in the munchkins!

Psalms 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.

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