Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday, March 28

YEAH! Our new couches are here!  Once we get the kids in bed we will finish putting the legs on them and enjoy them!  Goodbye 30 year old hand me down, hand me down couches!  It was nice to have you, but I am ready to move on!  YEAH!

It was a great day!  The kids had a half day and I went to my friend Kelly's and held her newborn baby!  OH!  She was SO TINY!  You forget so quickly how little they are at that age.  Oh, I miss babies that small and their little movements and their noises.  I wish I could have held her FOREVER!  (Well maybe not forever, but a little while longer... :)  )

After that it was a nice relaxing afternoon.  The kids and I moved the old couches out of the family room (okay really it was just me...) Then the kids stacked all the cushions and had fun jumping in them.  It almost made me want to jump in them! :)  They decorated sugar cookies with their friend Daniel and played Annie.  This was hilarious.  Ky was Punjab, Talia was orphan Annie, Alaina was Grace, and Daniel was Mr. Warbucks.  I love their imaginations and how they play pretend.

After Daniel left I taught Ky how to sew holes shut in his shirts.  We discovered another one today.  Yes, this chewing of shirts WILL stop.  He will sew anymore holes that I find and he will keep wearing it.  He did pretty good for his first shirt.  He then tried another shirt that was ripped pretty badly at the end of the sleeve and he ended up sewing the sleeve shut.  That was pretty fun.  He was done sewing after that. 

And now Rob has returned home with our couches, and after a LOT of maneuvering they are in.  YIPPEE!!!  Okay this blog is done I have to go enjoy my new couches!

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.



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