Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24

I love schedules.  I am blessed to be able to have a schedule now and keep it (for the most part) with my kids.  I struggled some when they were younger and now I am definitely more flexible when I need to be, however, I really love schedules.  Today was a typical Monday and I am thankful for that.

The girls and I ran to the store after the gym and I was inundated with Alaina's begging for just about everything possible.  She knows that when I say "No" I pretty much ALWAYS mean "No" and if she begs, then it becomes an even more emphatic "No" sometimes followed by a consequence.  Today, she even said to me, "But I don't have that, so we need to get it."  UGH!  The girl loves to shop, but has no concept of NOT needing to have everything and living on a budget. At one point, I had her stand in the corner of the store (with her nose in the corner) so I could finish my shopping.  I pray that we may be able to break through this "I want" stage and move on to just enjoying looking at things without feelin that we need it.    Despite all this, I am thankful that I understand a budget and will be able to teach my kids (when they understand the concept of money) how to plan ahead for purchases and always think things through.

I am thankful that I am pretty much done with my resume and cover letter now.  Tomorrow, I hope I can sit down and fill out the application for graduate school and send everything in. 

I am thankful that the survey lady offered me an additional $25 for traveling to take a survey tomorrow.  I am excited.  They will pay me $75 to cut Ky's hair and Ky will get $50 for receiving the cut.  (He REALLY needs his hair cut.)  I haven't cut it in several months because I was tired of hearing him whine when I cut it.  BLEH!  He doesn't mind having it cut, he just doesn't like sitting still.  I am so thankful for this opportunity and am excited to participate.

I am thankful that the toilet overflowed on Daddy and not on me! HA!  I'm sorry it happened and I thought I had fixed it, but apparently not.  I think Talia put something down the toilet.  She had been in there and then locked the door after she walked out.  Well--It's clear now. 

I am thankful that today was the last day of swimming for a while.  The kids did great, though both need to repeat their levels (which I am not surprised about--it was there first time in each level.)  I am thankful we won't have to drive them to and from lessons anymore.  Summer is coming soon and I look forward to enjoy our evenings in the warm air. 

Speaking of classes--I am still torn about signing Talia up for ballet or swimming this summer.  I really wanted to wait until fall when the big kids were in school, but she BADLY wants to take a ballet class.  UGH!  What to do, what to do...  I am so thankful that I can even consider such opportunities for my children.  We are truly blessed.  I pray that my eyes are opened and I can be used to pass blessings to others.

Philippians 2:1-3
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus 

check out crabby Talia after naptime...this happens on rare occasion where she is just out-of-sorts...

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