Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday, March 19

Today was a fun day.

My friend Olesya met me at the grocery store and actually took all the girls (her 2 included) with her to shop and then to the bathroom (when all 4 claimed they had to go at the same time.)  I got to quickly do my shopping on my own!  WOO-HOO!  After that we discovered a clearance bin of DVD's where I scored Brave for $5!  Yippee!  It was good to see her.  My schedule has been pretty busy the last 2 weeks that I have been unable to get over for a visit.  BLEH!  Next week should be good though, since I won't have to teach.

As always it was good to work in Ky's classroom.  I have really grown fond of the teachers and the students.  As always, I am amazed by the dedicated staff.  I will be sad that one day I won't be able to help in the classroom (that will be because I am teaching in my own classroom again!)

Ky came home with a present for me.  It was cup he made in art class.  It was very cute with a tree and a bumble bee.  He said, "You can drink out of it too!  We can share it, you and Dad and me!"  Hmmm...sure is a small cup to share between the 3 of us, but it is the thoughtfulness that counts.

Alaina also brought home a fun picture of a "Shapes" dinosaur.  She was very proud.  (And she colored a picture of her and her friend Luke from school.  I think she secretly likes him.)  It is so amusing watching her play.  She gets married EVERY DAY--MULTIPLE TIMES a day.  Today I told her that we needed to meet her husband before she got married.  She told me, "Too late, I'm already married.  But don't worry he is handsome and nice."  Rob then remarked sarcastically,  "Well, I'm glad he is handsome."  Alaina then said, "He is VERY HANDSOME!"  It is so funny how our kids often don't get our sarcasm.  Oh Alaina....

After school, Ky had a bit of a meltdown.  I think he sometimes feels a little overwhelmed when he realizes that he doesn't have much free time after school.  This is why I don't want him to be signed up for too much stuff.  We have let AWANA's be his choice though and I am glad he wants to go, I just do worry it may be a bit much, especially when we don't get home from school until close to 4. 

Anyway, he was whining and complaining and saying "I'm not whining and complaining!"  It was hilarious!  I asked if I could tape him, but then he became belligerent. Oh, kids....

Speaking of AWANAs, so I found out the place is NOT the candy madness that we thought it was.  Kids earn a piece of candy for every Bible verse they learn.  And they learn 1 verse each week.  Well since we came in more than half way through the year, Ky had decided he was going to memorize all of them.  So, he has been going to class and telling the teacher 6-8 verses he has memorized each week to "catch up" (i.e.--get more candy.)  I am glad the teacher shared this with us, so now we know AWANAs isn't just a giant sugarfest.  I am also very amused that my boy is using his quick memory to its fullest. 

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ky wanted to take this picture of me with the cup he made

Alaina's message "Fce Nac Prd" on her dress as a reminder she is going to wear it to her Fancy Nancy party

Alaina always draws pictures on her homework, swingset in upper right hand corner

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