Monday, March 03, 2014

Monday, March 3

Hmmm...for March it sure doesn't feel like it when you wake up and it is -9 degrees outside. 

I am blessed by my children and am blessed that they can learn from their choices.  This morning Alaina learned that if she does not pick out her clothes for the week when asked, I will do it--and of course she will not like it because she was not the one who picked it out.  We had a very long and hard cry over the "ugly" jeans (they weren't jeans--and she had previously really liked the pants) I had picked out for her.  Hopefully, next week she will take me more seriously. 

I am thankful my friend Jamie is back at the gym.  She looks great!  I am so happy for her and her new family and the baby to come.  I am thankful that she has some energy back and is feeling a little better.

I am thankful for errands to bless others and that it also provided me with the opportunity to talk with some of the neighbors.  This weather has kept us cooped up WAY TOO LONG!

I am thankful for footprints in the snow!  We finally have footprints in the backyard from kids in the snow!  I am thankful they went outside and played for a while.  It was still chilly--but I think they stayed out for the longest period of time yet.

I am thankful that Talia's frantic screams at naptime were only due to a silly bug--one that she has held and captured in her room previously ( a box elder bug ), but I guess one-on-one alone in her room, it really frightened her.  It all seemed pretty silly to me. 
Even sillier when I put it in the toilet and she began to scream --again--because it was still there.  I am thankful for flushing toilets.

I am thankful for new books and the reading of Ballet Kitty--again.  Really, I am.  Soon I will have the book memorized so I won't actually have to read it and can be doing or looking at other things while I recite it to Talia. 

I am thankful Rob had his physical today and he is quite healthy!  (With exception of some eczema.)  We are almost done with all our paperwork for the foster care application.  I will be glad when it is done.

I am thankful for post bathtime snuggles with Talia.  She has grown so quickly and I miss when she was little.  I am thankful that she still likes to snuggle with me and will always be my baby (as will the other kids--because I have informed them that they will ALWAYS be my baby.)

Romans 13:14
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

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