Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday, March 27

What a nice day!

I woke up the girls singing "Do you want to build a snowman?" from Frozen.  When I went in their room to get them up Alaina said, "Mom--your just in time for my coronation!"  Silly girls!

Despite the rain, it was a nice day.  I think the rain helped just to keep everyone calm and relaxed.  Playgroup came to our house and I had some activities for the kids.  They had a good time.  (I forgot to take pics...oops!)  The kids were great and it was some awesome reconnection time for the moms. 

What's even better is that clean-up was so quick.  The girls and I had time to play afterwards.  We danced together and had some fun before we took Alaina to school.  I am so thankful for times like this where I am just able to enjoy them and not have to worry about stuff to do. 

We had a nice walk to school--Alaina wore her ladybug rainboots.  I was sad to discover a tear in the side of them.  Every kid should have a pair of awesome rainboots (mental note---I need to get Talia some...)

Talia and i enjoyed a nice lunch together.  Her smile is so infectious.  She was in a great mood--it was kind of sad to put her down for nap, but necessary.  I called my Aunt over naptime and it was good to catch up with her.  I do miss my family.  Distance has made it difficult for us to be close, but it was really neat talking to her as a grown woman.  She is so full of life and has great stories.  I was and am blessed to have her as an aunt in my life.  She did so much for us/me when I was little.  She is a great woman who is a part of who I have become. 

Before the big kids came home I went upstairs and snuggled Talia awake.  Oh, the sweetness of those baby cheeks and cuddles of her warm arms as she wraps them around me.  I LOVE IT!  I don't think there is any better way to wake her up.  After we snuggled awake we hid from the big kids under the covers.  It was fun having Ky discover us all bundled up.

Yeah--it was a great day.  Ky is now working on long division with his teacher--the boy really impresses!  Alaina is writing books!  She has written 2--one about the movie Frozen and another with her and her sister.  They are really cute--and she is writing words!  Very impressive little girl!  Talia brushed the "yachts" out of my hair with her new Dora hairbrush while I helped the kids with homework.  Yeah--it was a great day!  Uneventful, relaxing, and blessed. 

Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

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