Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11

I am thankful for little arms reaching up for me when I wake them up.  I know that soon those arms will not be reaching anymore, so for now I cherish it.

I am thankful my friend Crystal was able to be flexible and change our playdate until tomorrow.  I can't wait until Alaina meets little Mei.  I really think they will hit it off.  Alaina has been trying to learn some sign so she can talk with her.  It has also been nice to have a refresher in sign language.

I am thankful that when I took Alaina to the doctor this morning they confirmed that the rash around her nose is not fungal (Thank goodness!) but bacterial--most likely from a runny nose.  I am frustrated that I was given another ointment when she already wipes it off, but I will continue to try to treat it.  We are now putting Bandaids over the ointment, but it doesn't last long.  UGH!  I will be glad when it clears up.

I am thankful for the opportunity to run today--even if it was a lousy run.  I loved walking Alaina to school today.  Tonight will bring snow again, but this afternoon was wonderful. 

I am thankful that even though Talia did not sleep at naptime, she stayed in her bed for the most part.  I did give up trying to fill out my grad school application.  I have to submit a resume and 1 page essay.  UGH!  I haven't touched my resume in 8 or 9 years.  I am sure it is quite dusty! 

I am thankful for good friends old and new.  I loved touching base with a good friend in Michigan today.  It is neat how you can pick up on relationships from long ago like you just left the other day.  I miss many of my old friends and am thankful for technology.  I am also getting better at reaching out to others.  God has really helped me to open up more and make the time to reach out. 

I am thankful the girls and I baked cookies together (gotta love cookies) and made Irish Brown Bread!  YUM!  It's always fun to bake together.  We also practiced some of Alaina's dance together.  She gave up after a short time, but I hope if I continue to encourage, she will succeed in learning it.  (And if not--the recital will be all the more entertaining! :) )

I am thankful for Million Dollar Spaghetti--no complaints and all had clean plates! YUM!  It's a successful meal every time! 

I am thankful our paperwork is all complete for applying as Foster Parents.  I will send it tomorrow.  YEAH!  From there we will begin the 3 month process to get licensed.  I am excited and a bit nervous, but know that God has big plans for us.

Romans 8:28
For all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.

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