Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday, March 17

I am thankful that tonight I can try again for another good night of sleep! ;P  I just didn't sleep well last night.  My mind wouldn't rest.  ARGH!  I have a lot of things I know I need to get done in the next few weeks and I think they are starting to overwhelm me.  I know I just need to relax and take one thing at a time.  It isn't a big deal if I don't have time for everything.

Well we had the first sign of spring!  Our first skinned knee(s) and face.  You know when that happens we can see our sidewalk!  YEAH!

Talia had a nice fall today on the way to the gym.  I watched her fall on her knees and then bounce face first into the cement.  Poor girl.  She has a nice scrape on her face and nose and her knees are bruised.  I am thankful that it is nothing serious and it will heal just fine.

I am thankful for understanding friends for moving the Fancy Nancy party.  It turns out when I had scheduled it, Alaina's 2 best friends are out of town.  (They have a different spring break.)  We have decided to have the Fancy Nancy party around Talia's birthday and have a "Spring Party" for playgroup next week instead to make up for our party mix-up.  It will be fun!

I am thankful for the pants and shirts I found for Kylan today at Saver's.  They are like new and quality. I am so thankful that we can save money by buying second hand and use that money for other good.  I am also thankful about Alaina's enthusiasm in buying Talia a birthday present.  She doesn't have one yet for her, but is very excited about picking one out.

I am thankful for homework time with Alaina (she did fabulous!)  I am so proud of her.  Her math skills have come SO far!  She is adding and subtracting into double digits.  Today she did 15 + 5 in her head! 

I am thankful for playtime outside.  While it is still cold, I think the sun helps encourage the kids to get outside.  Ky and Alaina spent a fair amount of time outside today.  I can't wait until it is warm enough that I can open the windows and listen to their fun.

I am thankful for Rob's mom.  Today is her birthday and we love her MORE than I think she could ever know.  I am thankful that such a wonderful woman raised my husband.  Her thoughtfulness and compassion towards others has helped more people than I could ever imagine.  She always brings a smile to our faces and the kids ADORE her.  We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful woman in our lives.

Proverbs 31:28-29
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”

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