Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday, March 16

I am thankful that our church has mulitple service options.  While we made it to our normal service, it was nice to know and consider going to a later service time.

I am thankful that even when Rob and I have misunderstandings, we can come back and talk things out.  Often it is just each of us misinterpreting the other.  It is nice that we are confident enough in each other to know that we never are intentionally hurting the other one.  I love this about our relationship.  I think it really helps that we both generally tend to approach things more logically.

I am thankful for leftovers for lunch.  I am thankful for a family that will work together to clean the house (even if there are some whines and complaints.)  I am thankful for opportunities to learn to do things better and cleaner.  (Today, Ky and I made homemade window cleaner together.  It worked out really well.)

I am thankful that Ky and Rob share a passion with sports.  I love that Rob took Ky to the store today to pick out a new bat for baseball season.  What a great memory for Ky and what a wonderful gift from his Dad.

I am thankful for my own opportunity to run out and get some errands done without kids.  I am excited about a new rug I ordered from Kohl's.  I think it will be big enough to cover the front door.  Currently our mat is too small and does not cover all the wet boots that come inside in the winter.  I am thankful for the great deal I scored there as well.  It was definitely worth the work of getting extra coupons to stack.

I am thankful for Wendy and her visit today.  Everyone loves when Wendy comes.  I love that she always likes to come on "breakfast for dinner" day.  And she brought more of her family's maple syrup!  Mmmmm...  I love how she plays with the kids and how they always go to fix her hair when she arrives.  I love that she can talk sports with Rob and Ky and still entertain the girls and chat with me at the same time.  She has a special gift in being everyone's friend and showing compassion to all.  I loved watching the girls snuggle up next to her and Ky crawl in her lap for a tickle fest.  I still remember how Wendy helped me SO many years ago with newborn Kylan when I had no idea what to do to calm him down.  Wendy was amazing and instantly calmed him and taught me what I could do.  She is such a wonderful person.  Wendy days area ALWAYS fabulous days!  (And what a great way to start the week!)

Phillipians 4:8
 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

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