Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18

I am thankful for a full day of cooking, baking and canning and two of the cutest assistants I could ever ask for.

We made zuchinni banana bread, chocolate chip cookie bars, and canned oodles of cherry jam. mmmm....the house smelled heavenly.

We also practiced Alaina's ballet dance and played cards.  Alaina is doin so well with her numbers; she did fabulous with the card games.  She also completed her math workbook.  I am so proud of her!

Talia was happy to get her ballet outfit back from the laundry.  She is now back in full tutu mode.  She was delighted to dance to Alaina's ballet video and has been wearing her ballet slippers all day long (and yesterday, and the day before, and before that...you get the picture.)  She is now obsessed with her birthday and asks everyday if it is her birthday.  She says, "I turn 3 on my birday right?!"  "I get a butterfly cake!"  Sometimes she says she is turning 4 or 5.  It's hard to believe that in a little over a month my baby will turn 3.  An official preschooler--the toddler years are over.  Humph!  I do miss having babies.

It was a relaxing day and we completed so much.  It is amazing how good I feel when I am not running around trying to get errands done as well as the usual hum drum.  I also see how those errands exhaust me.  Well, tomorrow is errand day, so I just have to enjoy Stay At Home Tuesdays while I can. 

Short blog today as I am now trying to prepare my grocery list for tomorrow.  Until then!

Mark 6:31
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.


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