Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Wednesday, March 5

Is it really Wednesday?

Today, I am thankful for the beautiful snowfall.  I know Rob was not happy about shoveling, but it was really pretty and beautiful to wake up to.  And there is something wonderful about a fresh layer of snow--it's just gorgeous!

I am thankful for the love of neighbors.  As I picked up the neighbor kids for school this morning, there were 2 neighbors shoveling other neighbors' (who currently have health problems) driveways!   What a wonderful display of love for each other!  Have I mentioned how much I love my neighbors!?  What great examples for my kids to see as they grow up!

We were so blessed by the many goodies we got at the grocery store!  Blackberries for 25 cents!  Bags of colored peppers for 79 cents!  9 pounds of apples (6 pounds of Honeycrisp) for $3!  What a blessing!  I even treated the girls to donuts at the store (a rarity in our household.) 

I was bummed that Ky's teacher was out today and the substitute had done my "job".  But it was a joy to be a blessing for another teacher--though by the time I sharpened pencil number 99 I think my fingers were getting a bit numb!  And around pencil 197, I believe the sharpener overheated. Hmmm...I hope I didn't break it.  This experience is a reminder to all parents--when the teacher asks for you to bring pencils already sharpened--they are serious!

I had a nice afternoon reconnecting with a friend on the phone.  Anyone who knows me knows I am a TERRIBLE phone person.  However, I have friends that are working to get me through this.  I also set up a playdate for Ky with a friend for tomorrow--which was again, a big thing for me, since I had to call the mom on the phone (who I hardly know) and arrange all the details.  I am excited for him though, since he has become really close with this classmate in the last several months. 

This evening has been a lot of baking. The house smells glorious.  I am thankful that I enjoy baking and blessing others with goodies. And now I am thankful to sit down with my husband and watch our favorite show!

Romans 8:6
The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

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