Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday, March 13

Playgroup was on the south side today which was actually the perfect excuse for me to go to the West side and get Rob's wedding ring fixed.  I am thankful for the coincidence, I had been looking for a good opportunity to go.  Rob broke the band on his ring and when we had it evaluated here we were warned that if we had a warranty at the purchase place, it might become void if we had it repaired elsewhere.  And of course the purchase place was on the west side (where we hardly ever go.)

Anyway, I exercised at home so I could make it to Playgroup which was a preschool dance party at the library.  The girls had fun and I enjoyed watching them dance.  I am thankful that they had this opportunity.  It was a bummer that I didn't get to chat too much with my friends, but there is always next week. :) 

At the jewelry store I was delighted to hear that most of Rob's work was actually covered by his warranty.  YEAH!  I am thankful the other jewelers had reminded us of this.  They are an honest place to forgo immediate business from us for our well-being.  What a rare find! 

After I dropped Alaina off at school I took Talia to Culver's for lunch.  She had been upset in the van that Alaina was going to school and that she couldn't see our neighbor.  I realized then that I don't hardly ever do special things with just Talia and I.  Even though Alaina goes to schoool, we usually eat lunch at home and then a read a few books and then she naps.  I wake her up to pick up the big kids after school.  I am glad I took her out.  She really enjoyed it.  I got her a kid's meal all to herself (which is a lot for her.) She ate most of it.  She even had ice cream afterwards.  A tour bus of elderly people stopped in for lunch and she had several of the women patting her on the head and chatting with her. 

She told them it was her birthday and she was a ballerina.  It was really cute.  She also said she was going to have a butterfly birthday cake.  When she was done, she insisted on carrying the bag with her left over sandwich home.  She also wanted to be the one to put it in the fridge.  (She asked me to pick her up so she could put it in.)  Yeah--I definitely need to do this more often with her.  She is getting bigger now and both big kids get special mom & dad dates, she needs them too.  It was quite a rewarding lunchtime.  (And she took an awesome nap with all that food in her tummy!)

I am thankful for carpools that bring my kids home!  YEAH!  It gave me time to snuggle and wake up Talia--very special time. I am thankful for leftovers and time to chat with Rob.

I am thankful for haircuts.  I trimmed Talia's hair tonight (the 2nd time ever!)  She was excited about having it done ever since I told her I was going to do it at lunch.  I am also thankful that Ky and I have been accepted in a product study.  I will paid $50 to cut Ky's hair with their clippers and he will receive $50 to let me cut it.  AWESOME!  I have been purposely avoiding cutting his hair because I don't like listening to him complain.  However, now that I told him he will get $50 for letting me do it--he is excited.  :)

I am thankful that tomorrow I will teach at Ky's school.  I love the school and am excited by the opportunity.  I pray things go smoothly and I am able to respond to children in the best way that helps them grow and make the right choice.  I have a CC job and sometimes those can be more challenging.  I pray that I can plant positive and hardworking seeds in their hearts that will help to motivate and show them love.  I pray this before every job of mine.  It's hard coming in as a stranger, but ultimately I hope my message to them is that they are important and they can make choices to make the world and their lives better or not.  I am thankful that Rob has a schedule that allows to me to still teach from time to time.  I expect to be going back to full time teaching in the next couple of years and I know these experiences help to prepare me as well as "keep me in the loop."

Exodus 33:14
And the Lord replied, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest."

--now that's a good verse...I should keep that in mind more often!

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