Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

We just got back from a family walk--it was wonderful!  We haven't been on a family walk since October or November???

So many blessings today.

A college friend of mine just welcomed her 3rd son into the world!  I LOVE babies! (Have I mentioned that before?!)  I am so excited for her and her family.  I pray that that child is guided by the Lord and is just a blessing to everyone who crosses his path. 

I found a good potato masher at Saver's.  I know--doesn't sound exciting, but my other one broke and I use it ALOT!  (Not just for mash potatoes!)  Alaina and I made brownies for her class tomorrow.  (All a part of my preparations for tomorrow--he he he!!!)  I did LOTS of laundry.  I spent some time outside trying to help Alaina ride a 2-wheeler, swinging Talia, and reading. We had a fabulous dinner of pancakes--and then our walk.  Yup!  I am feeling pretty good!

Too bad tomorrow won't be as nice, but I will enjoy each day as they come. 

John 13:34
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


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