Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 26

I am thankful that bedtime will be in minutes.  Alaina is crying because she didn't get her teeth brushed first and I am glad that soon she will be asleep and won't remember this meltdown tomorrow.  It all began with the spilt popcorn--her night just went downhill.  Yeah--she definitely needs to go to bed.

I am thankful that the errands for the week are done.  I am thankful that the groceries are purchased and we will have filled tummies for the week to come.  I am thankful that I ran close to 4 miles today.  I am thankful that we were able to walk to school.  The weather may not be as nice as we would like it to be, but it isn't freezing cold.  I am thankful for Maestra Batesky who took the time to try to speak Spanish with Talia.  I enjoyed listening to Talia tell her "I don't speak Spanish" in her raspy voice. 

I am thankful for time to talk to friends even if it is just for a few minutes of the day.
I am thankful that the TAG teacher is now working with Ky once a week to challenge him in Math.  He is excited and showing me the new things he is learning (multiplying with big numbers now!)

Today, after school I struggled with the kids.  I think the transition is sometimes very difficult for them and they hit an emotional roller coaster.  It takes like an hour for them to be okay with being home.  I am thankful for the strike system and for bedrooms to send the kids to.  I am thankful for time to reflect and changed attitudes that sweetne my children and their demeanor afterwards.  I am thankful that I normally have at least one child that is not melting down when the others are.  I am thankful that sometimes I see my friends' children do the same thing and I know that this is normal.

I am thankful for our marriage seminar.  I am thankful for Rob who enjoys attending with me.  I am thankful for the time we will have to connect tonight after the kids are in bed.

I am thankful for playgroup coming tomorrow.  I am thankful that they will be understanding when I don't have everything ready--because at this point I know I won't. 

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

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