Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, March 30

I am thankful for the warm day today!  It started a little cooler than anticipated, but it worked out just fine.  The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and you could smell the plants waking up.  It was a wonderful day.

We met Julie and her girls at the zoo and I have to say the animals were the most active we had ever seen them.  We had a great time.  I am thankful for living in a city with a free zoo and for my good friend Julie whom I love so much!  We picnicked at the zoo and then left about the time Alaina started to lose it.  (yeah--pretty ironic since it is normally Talia.)  Needless to say, we put both girls down for a nap. 

After nap, I worked with Alaina on riding a two wheel bike.  Yeah--that didn't go so well.  She panicked that I was going to let go so much she didn't focus on learning.  AND I promised her I wasn't going to let go.  We will keep working on it.  For some reason we can't find training wheels that will stay on her bike, so she really just needs to learn to ride.  I lowered the seat down all the way and showed her how she could practice riding as a balance bike.  But she didn't seem too interested in that either.  I think it will take watching the other kid ride and wanting to join them to get the motivation to learn. 

We all played outside.  Rob, Ky & I played some basketball and then practiced hitting for baseball (which starts next month.)  We then grilled burgers and hotdogs outside for dinner.  Mmmmm...

And then I found my son hanging from the top of the doorframe.  Seriously, where does he get these ideas???  Kids definitely keep life amusing. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be warm too.  I am planning on having the kids play outside as much as possible.  We need to enjoy it while we have it!

Numbers 6:24 - 26
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

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