Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10

I am thankful that tonight should be the last adjustment to Daylight Savings.  And I am hopeful that I will score a very long nap from Miss Talia tomorrow due to this change.  I am thankful that even though I missed a day of blogging I can always come back.

Sunday--I am thankful we made it (as a whole family!) to church on time.  I am thankful that Rob and I were able to work out together after church.  I am thankful that after laundry and lunch making for the week, Ky and I had a special Mom & Son date.  I am thankful that Ky has an interest in animals and that we are willing to support him in a new endeavor for a pet.

We were sad to discover that aquatic turtles are actually illegal to sell in Wisconsin over 5" so most stores do not carry them.  This was Ky's hope for a pet.  At the same time, I am happy about the law because of the amount of equipment and the fact that they live FOREVER!!!!  (ooh--but now I just remember my brother has a turtle and is looking for a new home from him, maybe I need to talk to him.)  Anyway, back to our date. 

The pet store people introduced Ky to a gecko and a bearded dragon as pets.  At first I was quite intrigued with the idea of a gecko, but the second store we went to pointed out how skittish they can be and easy to lose as opposed to the bearded dragon.  Bearded dragons are also much more social. 

My only concern is that Bearded Dragons get 2 feet long...meaning we will need a 40 gallon tank.  Have you seen the size of those tanks!?  They are huge!  I don't know if I want to have to worry about having space for it!  UGH!
Ky said he actually wants a kitten.  Seriously, at this point a cat sounds so much easier and will take up a lot less space.  I don't even want to have to think about changing the sand out of a 40 gallon tank.  Yeah--this just doesn't sound good.  Hmmm...We have a lot to think about.  Too bad Dad is allergic to cats.  Why can't we just start with fish or something simple?!  (Mice only live 2 years!)

We had a very nice time together looking and holding animals.  I am sure he will take very good care of his pet--whatever that may be....

After pet shopping, we went to Orange Leaf and enjoyed some yummy frozen yogurt.  Ky requested this place--it's because he is obsessed with the amount of candy he can put on his ice cream.  I have to cut him off, otherwise it would be the largest sundae ever!

From there we went to Barnes & Noble.  He had a gift card to spend and bought anothe Lego set.  YEAH Legos!  I am so happy he has gotten into them now!  Speaking of which, he has asked to take a course this summer with Legos.  Sounds good to me!

I had a wonderful time with my little man.  He is growing so quick and already starting to be concerned about being embarassed.  (I have to be careful to protect his little heart--man--it's so tempting!)

I am thankful Rob made dinner. Yummy apple pancakes! 

Today (Monday)  I am thankful for warm weather!  YEAH!  53 degrees!  It was beautiful.  I am thankful we were able to open the sun porch and enjoy the warmth and turn the heat off in the house!   I am thankful for the opportunity to watch the neighbor kids.  It really went well.  They did homework together when they got home and then played for hours.  I got a lot of housework done. 
I am thankful the kids swimming went so well.  It is fun watching them jump in the water and swim.  They are doing really well.  I am hoping they will take the float belt off Alaina's class next time.  I would like for her to swim without it.  It was also a good time to connect with a friend. 

I am thankful the kids will be in bed soon.  I am ready to have some much needed down time (and fold laundry.)  Oh--and I am also thankful I was able to sign Alaina up for a class this summer that teaches acting, dancing, and singing.  I think it will be right up her alley!

John 15:9
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love.

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