Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, March 21st

I am thankful for my new zebra slippers.  I found them on clearance today and I was excited!  I have been missing one of my slippers for 2 months (I blame the children), so when I saw them, I knew they would be mine.  Of course, the other slipper was found this evening by Alaina. It had been shoved in the kids' puzzle cabinet.  So now I have 2 pairs of slippers.  I guess my feet are doubly blessed!

I am thankful for a nice evening with friends.  It was great having Angela and Nathan over and connecting with them.  I enjoyed watching Rob discuss his beers with Nathan and then be able to discuss his fantasy books with Angela (I lack in these areas of conversation with him.)  We enjoyed watching the children play together and get excited about ice cream.  It was a wonderful evening--made even more wonderfully by my husband who also cooked dinner!  Fajitas!  Which he makes so well!  They were delicious.  And I got to use the tortillas that were bigger than my plate that I had seen at the store this week and could not pass up.

I am thankful for my sub job today.  I was a reading specialist teacher at a middle school.  The kids were high needs and the day went really well.  I do feel that God has really helped me be gentle and to focus on loving the kids.  I know it is one day, but I do feel that I did well with the kids.  There were a few incidents as expected and I will keep those kids in my prayers.  School is the last thing that I think is on their mind and they need to have needs met in other places before they can focus on school.  I am thankful for the opportunity to also help out the librarian.  I do love books, so checking in and alpahbetizing was up my alley!  I am also thankful for the little bit of extra time I had at school that I started working on my resume and essay for my graduate school application.  I think I got enough done so I can finish it this weekend and send everything at some point this coming week. 

I am thankful for all three of my children who woke up early this morning and came downstairs to tell me goodbye. They make me feel so loved! 

Today I asked Ky where he got a scratch on his chest from.  He "cooly" told me, "Oh--that--that's been there.  That's a part of my muscle."  HA!
Yesterday (yes, I know, I didn't blog yesterday), I am thankful for Rob's mom who came to watch the kids so I could go to my ladies' meeting and Rob could watch his basketball games.  I am honored that she would rearranged her schedule so Rob and I could both do our activities.  I loved coming home and seeing her and Kylan playing Monopoly Jr. having fun.  I also loved seeing Talia hug Nana in her bed.  What a special relationship she has with the children!

And I am tired--so that is all I am blogging tonight! :)  Until tomorrow!
Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

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