Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday, March 12

All the paper work was sitting on the counter ready to be mailed for our foster parent application.  I went to hand it to Kylan to mail and low and behold on the back was a giant crayon drawing of a princess.  Hmmm... Wasn't there yesterday.  It sat on the counter overnight as a reminder to be mailed.  Well--Alaina struck again.  I mailed it as it was (of course after having a discussion with Alaina that she is ONLY to color in her coloring books and on any paper in her "craft" drawer.)  I figure it anything the agency should find it amusing...right?!

We had a great day.  I was able to get my grocery shopping done--be amazingly under budget, and get back home and all groceries put away by the time Crystal and her new daughter Mei arrived.  We were so excited for this playdate.  Mei was recently adopted from China and signs (she is deaf.)  She is only 4 days older than Alaina.  Alaina and I had worked on a few signs and really talked about what being deaf meant. 

The playdate went really well and I am so proud of Alaina in having the courage to sign.  They colored paperdolls and Alaina LOVED showing Mei all her princess stuff. It turns out Mei really loves princesses too! :)  They dressed up and looked at dolls.  The playdate ended all too soon.  Alaina couldn't stop giving her hugs.  (Mei thought she was pretty silly!)  I can't wait until Mei can come again.

I also received a phone call from the Talented & Gifted Madison Teacher.  She spoke with me about Kylan and said that he has been officially identified as a student that needs to be challenged in Math.  She said there is little TAG resources at our school for 2nd graders but she has provided Ky's current teacher with some resources and will continue to touch base.  She mentioned that after Ky has the standardized testing done next year they will be able to better identify his abilities and know where to go from there.  She mentioned that since our school has little resources, they are looking into creating a better path for these kids that need more.  I am happy that Ky has such an awesome teacher this year that has identified him and challenged him where he needs it.  I guess for now we will wait and see what next year holds for him.

This afternoon I over-multi-tasked myself and burnt part of the snack I was supposed to bring to our Marriage seminar.  Oh well!  I heard the timer go off multiple times, but I thought Ky had set it for himself and ignored it.  The smell of burnt crackers soon clued me in though! :)  At least I also had a veggie tray prepped and I brought that! :)

I am tired tonight and am thankful for the good night of sleep to come.  I kept waking up last night.  BLEH!  Perhaps I can blame the burnt oyster crackers on my lack of sleep! :)

Tomorrow, I am hoping I can either pull up my resume and start dusting it off for my grad school app or start writing my essay.  I am not really feeling motivated to do either.  I am ready to start the school work, but not do the rigamaroll to get there.  (Is that how you spell rigamaroll?)

Psalms 86:15
But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.

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