Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday, March 29

Today was AWANA games for Kylan.  He was pretty excited.  I wasn't planning to stay, but when I took him it looked like too much fun to miss it.  Talia and I stuck around and watched.  It was a lot of fun. Ky helped his team win the animal zoo race and then his entire team won first place.  He was very proud. 

After the games were over we ran to JCPenny.  Ky had a gift card to spend and they had a $10 off $25 coupon and I also needed to pick up some baby outfits for a coworker of Rob's that is expecting.  Ky picked out a 10 pack of CARS for $40--seemed a bit overpriced, but he really wanted them.  Unfortunately, the coupon did not work (Disney was excluded from the coupon), but he said he would take the extra $10 out of his bank for them.  I have to say--this is when I really want to be a control freak and say--"Ky, let's go somewhere else.  This is a horrible deal."  I know I need to let go and let him learn though. I did advise that I thought he could spend his money and get something better elsewhere, but he really wanted them and bought them.  What was REALLY ridiculous is that when he got home he discovered the wheels on the cars didn't even move.  I told him we could take them back, but he said "No--they are fine."  ARGH--let go Jess--this is his decision and his money... Disney..what I have to say to you is "SPLLLLLTTTTT!"  What a rip off!

While we were at AWANA games Alaina had a nice morning with Dad at ballet and then playing games and making lunch at home. 

We had a nice afternoon--Ky and I did some spring cleaning while Alaina played outside.  The weather is really warming up. 

We then took off for the gym and church and returned for pizza/movie night.  I am excited about tomorrow with warmer temps and a day of relaxation.  We are planning on meeting Aunt Julie at the zoo and then I am going to attempt to teach Alaina to ride a 2-wheeler in the afternoon.  We will have to see how it goes...

Ezekial 34:16
I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.


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