Saturday, March 08, 2014

Friday, March 7

I am thankful for the opportunity to have an easy morning.  Alaina had been asking to do something special together and we hadn't done our normal "craft" of the week so we spent part of the morning making baby blankets for the cardboard baby beds we made the week prior.  I pulled up scrap material from the basement and the girls picked their patterns and I cut them out.  We then made "knotted" blankets.  It was good practice for Alaina and tying.  Talia however wasn't able to help as much (sometimes these projects are a bit hard for her to get involved it.)  The blankets were cute when we finished.

Before taking Alaina to school we ran to HyVee for their 2 day sale (I am thankful that as a stay-at-home mom it is easier to take advantage of these deals.)  The girls both got little green kiddie carts and I have to say, it is adorable watching them follow me around the store pushing them.  Alaina then proceeded to ask for my credit card so she could pay for the groceries--and yeah, that wasn't going to happen.  I did however let her hold on to the coupons and "pay" with those. 

Before the kids came home from school, I am thankful that I took the time to snuggle with Talia.  I wanted to wake her up before the big kids got home.  (She has been napping again this week!  YEAH!)  It was wonderful curling up next to her small warm body.  And her putting her arm around me---priceless!  I brought the camera and attempted to capture this precious moment--which ended up being--"Let's make funny faces at the camera and laugh!"  Oh her laughing.  *SIGH!*  Just beautiful!  I miss Ky and Alaina at this age (though I am enjoying them at their ages now).  I just know that Talia is my last, so each step is the last time I will experience it.  (And that is why I am obsessive with my camera and why I started this blog--I want to remember it all!) 

After the kids came home they went outside to play (BEAUTIFUL WEATHER!  YEAH!) and I did some housework.  I even cut up a tutu that had it's wasit band ripped and put it on Talia's bed as a bed skirt to match Alaina's.  (When I did Alaina's, she told me she REALLY wanted one!)  When I showed her, she was excited. 

That evening my friend Olesya and I went to a Ladies' Night Out event at my church and we had a great time.  There was fabulous food, different seminars, craft stations, massages and more.  Yup--I took advantage of a 5 minute massage and it was over all too soon!  We had a great time and I was home by 9 to spend the evening with Rob. I am so blessed to have been able to spend time with Olesya and to have an event like this to attend. 

John 15:7
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

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