Saturday, March 08, 2014

Saturday,. March 8

I am thankful for the nice family day we had.  I am thankful that I recovered from the crabby morning of being woken up NUMEROUS times by children not being considerate.  I am thankful for the opportunity to watch Alaina in ballet today.  It was really cute.  Ms. Virgina let me tape the girls too so Alaina could work on the dance.  She has been so nervous, even though the recital is 3 months away.  I figured if we could work on it during the week, then she would feel more confident.  Ms. Virgina was more than happy to let me tape it.  (You can see Alaina in the video below--though I was taping the older girl since she knows the dance.) 
I am thankful that our school had a ice skating social this morning.  The kids had a great time seeing some of their classmates (and Ky seeing his teacher.)  Talia had fun ice"booting" and Dad enjoyed running her around on the ice.  And Talia took a turn to push Daddy on the ice.  The ice was a bit slushy from the recent warm temperatures, but we had a fun time.  The best part was when Ky said that him and his teacher were going to be smiling at each other at school on Monday since they saw each other over the weekend.  (He has a crush on her--it's so cute!)
I am thankful for relaxing afternoons.  Dad went for a run and then painted with the girls.  I updated the blog with pics and then played Battleship with Ky.
After that we ventured out to Costco.  We had no idea that completing our membership (we had done much of it online) was going to be so time consuming.  We also didn't realize they were going to spend time trying to convince us to buy the higher level memberhsip.  This waiting didn't' go over too well with the kids.  We were thankful when it was over.  By then it was 4:45 and most of the samples were gone!  (BUMMER!)  That was the main reason we went as a family--we knew the kids would get a kick out of it.  We didn't buy much, but we enjoyed frozen yogurt afterwards with the kids where Talia declared her love for Grandpa (It was very cute!) 
I am thankful for our Costco membership.  I bought it through and online deal which gave us significant savings.  I am thankful for stores like Costco who treats their employees well.  I am glad to be able to support a store with good ethics.
After that it was pizza/movie night.  I am thankful for our yummy pizzas and sides.  It was a good movie and the kids enjoyed it.  I am thankful to put them down to bed now because Rob and I are ready for a break.  Talia refused to nap today and it is showing.  I hope she does okay with losing an hour tonight since tonight we spring forward.  I am thankful that Spring is coming soon!  
Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience


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