Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday, March 23

I am thankful we were on time to church today!  Yeah!  And by on time I mean that I actually sat down in the sanctuary before the music started!  Woo-hoo!  Hey--we may be getting somewhere with these kids.

It was cute that Ky picked out grey dress pants and then tried to wear a t-shirt with it.  We had him change his shirt and he picked out a sweater to match.  He wanted to look nice at church today.  (Hmmm...)  However, he did NOT want to brush his hair.  I am so thankful we are cutting it off on Tuesday.  Then there will be no more goofy looking hair and no more arguments to get him to brush.

After church we went to Noodles for lunch.  I am thankful for my friend Dana who told me that Noodles was having a food drive.  If you bring in 3 canned goods you will receive a free entree.  We brought in 12 and had a wonderful treat for lunch.  The kids enjoyed it.  I got my favorite Japanese Pan Noodles and ate them with chopsticks.  Alaina wanted to use "chapsticks" as well.  I told her I never heard of anyone eating their food with chapstick. 

This afternoon I was blessed with quiet time to write my graduate school application essay.  YEAH!  Now I am just waiting for Rob to review it.  Tomorrow I will make corrections to it and my resume and then hopefully Tuesday I will fill out my application and send everything in.  I am excited to begin working on my Master's. 

It was a nice relaxing afternoon.  The boys watched basketball and the girls napped.  For dinner we enjoyed pumpkin pancakes and then we played a fun game of Sorry afterwards where Alaina won.  (She was ecstatic.)  During Sorry, we learned that Talia recognizes the numbers 1 and 2.  I didn't purposely teach her so that was entertaining to see.  I told her we needed a 1 or a 2 to get a guy out of home and she picked a 12.  I told her "Nope, we will have to try again."  She began arguing with me that it was a 1 and a 2.  What a smart girl!  I am very proud of my little lady!  It is hard to believe she will be 3 soon.

Tomorrow the kids have their last swimming lesson.  It will be nice to have quiet Mondays again.

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

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