Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25

Well--today was stay at home Tuesday which I normally love.  Today, since I was home all day with the girls, I was tormented by their constant singing of "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen.  It is cute--really it is.  But they compete with their voices, are off key, and belt it as loud as possible.  AND they only really know a few lines, so those lines are repeated over and over and over....I will put up a video clip at the end of the week for you to see.

I did figure out that for incentive to get the girls to do things, I could show them YouTube clips of Frozen on the computer.  "Girls--go pick up the toys in the family room and I will play "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman" on the computer."  Boy--that family room has never been picked up so quick--and without arguing!  And extra bonus--they weren't singing since they were listening to it on the computer.  PHEW! 

The girls and I had fun making construction paper penguins too.  It seemed appropriate with the snow we received this morning.  It wasn't much---just enough to annoy just about everyone else.  I have lived in this state long enough that I knew it was coming, so it didn't really bother me.  (I am thankful I have a realistic viewpoint of the weather here.)

After taking Alaina to school, Talia asked if she was having "Pookie"  It took me a few minutes to realize she was asking about "Scoopie Night".  Scoopie Night is the school fundraiser at Culver's.  I told her we were--and corrected her grammar, but boy, Pookie was pretty cute.

While Talia didn't nap, I completed my application for graduate school as well as sent in my essay and resume.  YEAH!  I am now a grad school applicant!  I am so thankful for this opportunity to continue my education!  I am also thankful that I finally found all my college transcripts.  I had to dig them out to report all the credits at the different colleges I attended.  Thankfully the application limited me to 3 schools.  Looking at my transcripts, I realize I have credits at a lot of different schools--there is Valparaiso with my undergraduate degree, Concordia with my teacher certification, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology with graduate credits and then Madison Area Technical College, Louisiana State University, UW-Madison and UW-Learning Innovations Madison with additional undergraduate credits needed to round out my teacher certification in several science fields.  Wow--that means I have attended 7 colleges!  That is pretty impressive (or weird looking)!

I am thankful we did attend Scoopie night and the kids enjoyed ice cream.  After that Ky and I left for a survey to get his hair cut.  I was paid $75 to cut his hair and he was paid $50 to get his hair cut.  (Pretty good considering he REALLY needed a haircut.)  Afterwards I just pretty much gave my opinion about the clippers. 

I am thankful we had this opportunity, however, I do need to go back and fix his hair (hopefully this weekend).  They had me cut one side with one pair of clippers and the other side with a different pair--and well you can tell the difference.  One side is cut nicer and more evenly than the other.  Thankfully at his age--he doesn't care.  He is just excited about the money.  He wants to buy one of those kid four wheeler trucks.  I keep telling him he is too big for one...I don't know, we will have to wait and see.

Alaina told me this week that she wants to be a police officer.  I like this choice in profession!  (Much better than a singer and easier to get a job!)  I can picture her looking all tough in uniform--at the same time I bet her nails will be nicely manicured and she will be wearing make-up and possibly heels....Hmmmm....She would be one interesting looking police officer. 

Deuteronomy 15:10
Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
Watching Frozen on the computer



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