Tuesday, April 01, 2014



Whoever created this day is a BLESSED creature allowing me to share many blessings with the ones I love...

Ahhh...where to begin.  Yes, I had been plotting for a few days....

My first joke did not work out so well.  I had inflated a balloon and stuck it in the doorframe and the closed door in Ky's room.  So when he opened it in the morning the balloon was supposed to take off and scare him.  Sadly, the balloon deflated overnight...Oh, well...

For breakfast, I served the big kids frozen milk.  Yeah, Ky complained that glass was dirty (the outside was frosting) and wouldn't drink it for the longest time.  It took forever to convince him that the milk was just simply so cold it was making the side of the glass frost over.  Then it was fun for him to watch him try to drink.  This is when I said "April Fool's" and he finally realized what the day was.

Ky wanted in on some jokes so I gave him one of my precious "Donut seed' packets.  Yes--plant the seeds and grow your own donut bush--glazed, sprinkles, filled...YUM!
(The packet was filled with Cheerio's.)  He had fun sharing those with his teacher.  I also fooled the neighbor girl Maelin with a packet of the seeds.

After we saw Ky off the girls and I had a fun morning baking bread, singing, and cleaning.  We also made marbled egg and buttefly cutouts using shaving cream and paint.  The girls had a lot of fun playing in the shaving cream. 

I sent Alaina to school with Brown-E's and Brown-e's, with real brownies hidden underneath for the class.  That was fun and she enjoyed that.

When the kids got home, I had posted a sign on the front door that said "Wet paint, use back door."  On the back door, I posted a sign that said, "Wet paint, use garage door." And well the garage was closed, so the kids were pretty confused running around the house.  Oh--the fun.  Yeah, even our neighbors stuck around to laugh at the kids running around with this joke.

The kids thought it was funny--and Ky figured I had more jokes to come, so when I laid out a bowl of white stuff for him for snack, he said, "I know this is an April Fool's joke."   I told him it was pudding.  He then took a big bite of, yeah, you guessed it mayonnaise!  YUCK!  But it was funny! HA HA!

Ky wanted more jokes, so I showed him how to bite down on raw pasta and pretend to crack his neck at the same time..,Yeah, I think he will be doing that one at school.  Like Mother like son!

So that was the last of my jokes for now....yup, more to come..you will have to wait until tomorrows blog to find out.  He he!

Oh man, it is so sad that this day is almost over.  WHAT FUN!  I love every minute of it!  Thank you Lord for having a wonderfully close family that can laugh with me.

Ecclesiastes 9:7
Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.

(I am not endorsing that God approves of my April Fool's jokes--however, I do feel that God approves of us really enjoying life and celebrating it with others--which I feel April Fool's let me do! :) )

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