Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Birthday Weekend!

We woke up early for the birthday boy's weekend!  We were on the road around 8:00.  (I was pretty proud of myself.)  We were all excited.  Rob and I were going to enjoy 27 kid-free hours and the kids were going to get to spend time with Grampa and Grandma Debi as well as Nana & Grandma Jan.  YIPPEE!!

After dropping the kids off and giving Talia extra squeezes (this was her first overnighter NOT at the house and without her parents), Rob and I took a scenic drive down the lakefront.  We also drove past our old house.  It was neat to see that even though the new owners had done a fair amount of work when they first moved in, it did not appear that they did anymore.  (Having kids clearly got in the way!) :) 

From there we went to the infamous Blue's Egg for brunch.  The food was DELICIOUS!  We really enjoyed it.  And even better it was FREE!  (Our food was a little slow to come out so they comped us the meal.  You have to LOVE a restaurant that wants to keep you happy.  We hadn't complained or anything!) 

From there we were off to Sprecher Brewery for a tour.  Rob had mentioned a while back that he wanted to go and relive some of his young memories, so I purchased tickets in advance.  The tour was fine; the beer was-eh; the soda was pretty yummy.  The tour gave Rob a chance to taste and rate 8 of their beers. 

From there we checked into our hotel and got ready for our next tour before dinner.  This was also a surprise as I hadn't given him any details.  We went to Milwaukee Brewing Company for a 2 hour tasting.  So..I was kind of duped by the whole thing. The website uses the words "more intimate" setting and a chance to "ask questions".  Yeah--it was CROWDED!!!  And the beer pours were OUTRAGEOUS!   I was a bit buzzed by the time we were done there.  Rob was able to taste and rate 8 more beers though-- so I felt pretty accomplished.  Thankfully, I had been smart enough to make our dinner reservations within walking  distance to the brewery. 

We went to Braise for dinner. MMMMMmmmmm... Rob and I went there 2 years ago for our anniversary and just LOVED the place.  The food is all home grown and DELICIOUS!  And once again they did not let us down.  Pork buns!  Carrot-ginger soup! Sorrel gnocci! Braised hangar steak!  Chocolate pot de creme! Caramel Chocolate tart! mmmm.... yeah we were stuffed when we left. 

We returned back to our room to watch the end of the Badger game.  I snoozed while Rob watched.  It was a sad loss.  Sadly, after the game, Rob wasn't feeling too well.  (Too much beer with rich food?)  I guess I overdid it a little... :)  But hey, it was fun!
The next morning we enjoyed a fabulous Irish brunch with GREAT Bloody Mary's.  They were awesome!  After that we walked on the lakefront before heading to Nana's to celebrate with them and the kids.  It was a great mini-getaway.  And a much needed one! 

At Nana's we got to see Jan's new studio (next door) that she had just purchased.  We are so glad that she was able to purchase this place.  It will definitely help her increase productivity time.  It was quite  a mess, and yet she had already done so much work on it.  I am excited to see the finished product.  And I am excited to be able to see her studio in action.

We had a wonderful walk and fun play time at the park with everyone.  The weather was wonderful!  Afterwards we came back and had some scruptious pie before leaving. 

The kids were tuckered out.  2 days without naps for Talia.  It was a pretty quiet drive for a while and then Alaina started getting upset.  She was overtired.  It was a rough evening, but totally worth the time we had together. 

Today (Monday) was a CRAZY day.  I had lots to do.  The laundry was nuts!  And I was just trying to catch up with stuff from the weekend.  Not to mention Ky had a HUGE list of chores he had to do for past transgressions (he is in this phase of putting holes in his shirt--have I mentioned this?)  I have to say, by 5 I was done.  Exhausted!  In fact, I was late picking up the kids from school because I lost track of time (and that NEVER happens to me.) I enjoyed watching the girls play and eat outside though.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Talia was scared of the bugs again.  But hopefully, in time, she will enjoy being outdoors a little more. 

So a few funnies from the day...Ky was folding laundry and asked me where he should put my "booby catcher" aka bra.  (oh my!)  And then he called the prongs of his fork, tonsils. Oh what a funny day! 

Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

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