Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Tuesday April 8th

Last minute plans turned Stay at home Tuesday into "Playdate with Friends" Tuesday.  It was great that my friend Olesya was able to come over with her girls.  We had a great time talking about gardening and organizing and decorating houses.  We are two peas in a pod with our interests.  She inspired me for curtains in the girls' rooms. 

She also came with good timing.  Alaina had asked me to french braid her hair and I was excited to do so.  Since her hair is short in the front, I knew I would have to do 2.  I did one side and then she began to freak out.  She was angry that I didn't do 1.  She tried ripping it out.  This of course made me upset since she had no appreciation of my time or my hard work, so I told her she needed to focus and relax.  She couldn't and so I sent her up to her room.  She was so angry.  This is an area we really need to work on.  She has a lack of empathy for others and if things are not exactly the way she wants them she gets angry (not caring about other people.)  She was up there 45 minutes or so before she became rational and would listen to me and what I was saying.  After that she let Olesya braid her hair.  (Olesya did a great job.) 

The girls were very cute--they had matching braids.  (Yup! I had braided Talia's hair as well.)  I enjoyed the braids and so did Olesya, even if Alaina did not.  They were both very cute. 

After we dropped Alaina off to school, Talia and I ran to Costco to purchase the infamous FROZEN DVD.  Yeah--I know...I'm a sucker too.  Really it is for Talia's birthday.  Talia and I enjoyed all the samples in our simple purchase of the movie.  I think when you pay for a membership, you are really paying for all the samples you consume.  Seriously--who needs to eat lunch?

So we have a dilemma with Talia's b'day present.  Over the weekend we decided we were going to puchase the movie and the 2 pack toddler dolls.  Well, over the weekend those dolls became out of stock.  Yup...now we can't find them ANYWHERE.  I spoke with several clerks today and they basically all wished me "good luck."  Hmmm....Not what I want to hear.  Well, I have 2.5 weeks left.  We will have to see if we can come up with them.

This afternoon we had the pleasure of attending Ky's Publishing Party at school. This was really just an opportunity for him to show me what he has written in class.  It is neat to have him show me what he has worked on.  We also saw some other parents and I got to see a few new babies.  YEAH!  I love babies!  We stuck around for the "overcrowding" discussion.  Wow!  Sandburg is crowded!  We really need the referendum to pass in the fall.  I love our school, but it is sad to think about losing an art and music classroom to temporarily solve the problem--what will happen next?  Losing the gym?  Seriously--if you are a Madison voter please vote "yes" to the referendum in the fall.  Well--that's all I've got for now!  Until next time.

Proverbs 9:9
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

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