Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22

Back to school....back to school...back to prove that I'm not a fool....

The kids went back to school today.  I am thankful for the time we had together, but am ready to get back to a normal schedule.  Sadly, Daddy was not back to his normal schedule since he had a stomach bug.  Since Daddy was sick, I took the ladies for some errands to give him some quiet rest time.  No stay at home Tuesday for us.

After we returned we attempted to begin Fancy Nancy Decorating.  We didn't get very far before we had to take Alaina to school. 

Today, during naptime I worked on weeding and mulching the raspberries. The bushes have been such a blessing.  What is really funny is that when we moved into our first house I had actually planted raspberry bushes.  When we moved I was sad that we were losing them.  However, at our new house we were blessed with a whole hedge of raspberries! MMMmmmm!!!  The past year they haven't been doing so well.  Hopefully with the extra attention and fertilizer they will do better.

After the kids got home from school we went to Cherry Berry.  They were having $1 fill your bowl day! MMMMmmmm!!!  Yes--we totally took advantage of this!  YUM!  Even Rob tried some despite his sensitive tummy.  The line was long, but totally worth it.  This was our dinner...sort of! :)

We had a late dinner in pj's and then off to bed.  Overall it was a good first day back to school with a rocky "get to bed" night. 

The Fancy Nancy party is Thursday.  Tomorrow will be a busy day with preparations as well as our marriage seminar, t-ball practice, and volunteering at school. 

Luke 16:10
He that is faithful in that which is least faithful also in much.

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