Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21

My baby is turning 3 in 4 days!!!  Can you believe it!  Where has the time gone!  No longer a toddler--officially a preschooler.  *Sigh*


Saturday--the day was beautiful.  We had so much we wanted to do and so little time that some things were sacrificed.  We all (except Ky) slept in a little.  Talia even curled up with us for a few minutes in bed.  Rob had put her in bed with me last night so I could get some late night snuggles. (I'm so sad my baby is almost 3!) It was really sweet, but then with all her thrashing we returned her back to bed.  So it was nice to have some awake snuggles with her in the morning as well. 

Rob had shaved his beard off the night before.  In the midst of our snuggles I asked her if she noticed anything about his face.  She said it looked "Sloopy".  I asked her what she saw on it.  She said that it was "mishmellow". now that is what I tell Rob about his face.  HA!

After a leisurely breakfast, I ran to the store to get some gardening supplies and presents for upcoming birthdays and babies.  Unfortunately this trip took FOREVER!!!  Seriously--it took 4 clerks to help me find the proper weed and feed.  And then I gave up trying to get a ticket for the red mulch and instead got gold mulch...The red would have looked much better, but at that point I didn't care. 

Once I returned, Rob had us all ready for a bike ride.  We packed a quick lunch and went out as a family.  Ky rode on his own, Alaina with me, and Talia with Daddy (Talia enjoyed all the space she had in the trailer!)

We stopped at a nearby park and picnicked and enjoyed each other before heading out.  We had a nice time.  It was just wonderful to be outside and enjoy time with each other.  Our outing was over all too soon though as we biked back home.  I had a cake to bake while Rob ran.  Together, the kids and I made carrot cake and a carrot & broccoli platter for Easter. 

After that we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard with the kids.  It was fun. I think Alaina found all her stuff first.  We, of course, made things a little more difficult for Kylan. 

Pizza & Movie night came after that and the kids enjoyed the movie "The Incredibles" while I weed & feeded the grass.  I think this is the first time we have ever put the first application on!  We normally miss it.  I even went the extra measure and poisoned the thistles growing in the grass.

The Bunny Butt Carrot Cake was easy to decorate (yeah for easy cakes!)  And by then I was about ready for bed.

Easter morning we were up early for church.  After getting everyone ready we were off to church (which we were on time for!)  And being "on time" doesn't work on Easter Sunday.  The church was packed!  We were lucky to find 2 of the last seats in the sanctuary.  Lots of people had to sit in the atrium because it was so packed.  It is nice to see a large turnout at church, but kind of sad that it only happens like this on Easter and Christmas. 

After the service we were off to Milwaukee for Easter with the Schnake's.  It's always great to see the family.  I am so thankful that I have been so blessed with a great and supportive extended family.  They really love the kids and have taken me in as one of their own. 

Once again it was a BEAUTIFUL day.  We spent a lot of it outside on the deck just enjoying the sunshine.  I took pics of the kids in their fine Easter attire before having them change into play clothes (AND BOY!!  am I glad I did that!)  Pasta sauce all down Alaina's play clothes.  Go figure!

Talia was excited to open presents from Auntie Lisa.  I was excited that Debi had a large picnic table for the kids.  (Ky has outgrown our little one.  I feel bad for him when I have them eat outside--shoving his large legs under the table...) Woo-hoo!  I am so thankful that my hope for a bigger table was answered.  (I don't think I prayed for one--I did make a mental note that I should look out for one when I went garage saling...)

The kids had a blast with Debi's Easter hunt (aka candy hunt!)  Most of the candy wasn't even in eggs this year, just out in the open.  Handfulls of jelly beans in the grass.  Amusing!  Very AMUSING!  It was fun watching them run around.  And then afterwards the kids picked up sticks for Grandma Debi for quarters.  (She's one smart lady--I am going to have to remember this when I have grandkids!)

Around this time, Rob noticed he had a missed call from Grandma Jan.  It turns out there had been a pretty bad incident at his Mom's work and emotionally she was just drained and having a rough time.  We made an unplanned visit to her house then to help cheer her up.  (The grandkids really do that---all they have to do is look at her! :) )  It was nice to see them.  And how blessed we are to get to spend Easter not just with the Schnake's, but with Rob's mom as well.  She has such a great heart and her work is so difficult, I don't know how she does it.  She has such a great compassion in helping others.  It is sad when things like this happen that are out of her control. 

Anyway, it was a late night journey home for the kids. In fact I think Talia cried for the last 45 minute car ride.  Poor kid--so overtired.  (And poor us for having to listen to her...)  It was to bed IMMEDIATELY when we got home.

Today was Easter Monday and Rob took the morning off to spend with us, since he was unable to on Friday.  We attempted to go for a bike ride despite the impending rain.  We stayed in the neighborhood for the most part and then when it started pouring we returned home.  (I made Alaina walk the last 4 or 5 blocks--her attitude was just not acceptable so I figured she needed to walk it off.) We then went out for brunch.  The walk really helped Alaina's attitude!  We went to a new place called Heritage Bakery. The food was pretty good.  Awesome cinnamon rolls.  I think we were most impressed by the fact that this lady was running the store on her own.  INCREDIBLE!  She was very nice and impressive.  After we got home, Daddy took a shower and got ready for work while I caught up on cleaning.  Not the most exciting afternoon. 

I did receive a phone call from the Grad school I am applying to.  After talking to the admissions guy (I don't know exactly who he is), he informed me that I may not be able to take their grad courses because I received my certification too long ago.  SAY WHAT?!  (I'm trying not to get upset.)  He said he would need to talk to someone else and get back to me. 

Okay--trying to remain calm and optimistic--but seriously.  I went through this whole app process--wrote you an essay, updated my resume, filled out the app, got people to write reference letters, talked with your office numerous times on the phone about what I wanted AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS!!!???

Really?!  It makes no sense.  The brochure doesn't say anything about these stipulations.  Anyway--trying to remain calm until they get back to me.  Nothing is for sure right now--but seriously, this doesn't make sense to me....

Anyway, my friend Kelly stopped by right at the end of this conversation.  I am so thankful for the distraction.  She brought her newborn little girl and 3 boys for a playdate.  It gave us some time to chat and get to know each other better.  All of my kids also held baby Abby--so precious!  Yes, I miss babies that small! 

The kids had a great playdate.  I am glad it worked out so well and look forward to having her over again soon. 

From there we went to pancake making--Ky helped me out AND we played Scrabble while trying to fry the pancakes.  (This was amusing--especially since we burnt 3 or 4 pancakes.)  It was Ky's first try at Scrabble (he wanted to play) and he did pretty good (with help.)  I personally am not a big fan of Scrabble (probalby because Rob beats me every time!)

We had a nice family dinner and walk and now the kids are in bed.  Tomorrow, everything returns to normal.  The kids go to school and I begin Fancy Nancy Party Plans and start preparations for Talia's b'day.  Busy Busy week ahead! 


Acts 4:11-12
Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.     

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