Friday, April 04, 2014

Rob's 36th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to seriously--the most AWESOME guy in the world!  And he is ALL MINE!!!

Rob had the day off and I got to sub today.  It was a good and lazy sub job too.  That rarely happens!

He took Talia out for a special birthday lunch and I know she loved it!

After I got off of work I swung by Daisy's and picked up chocolate themed cupcakes.  I got home just in time.  Rob was still off doing the carpool thing and I put candles on the cupcakes and sang to him when he walked in the door.  (Ky and I sang in Spanish.) 

We divied up the cupcakes and enjoyed the yumminess as a family.  The kids gave Rob their cards and gifts.  Alaina had a storebought card and a homemade book for "Bad"  (yeah we are still working on those b's vs. d's.)  Talia had picked out (ON HER OWN) a card with a pint of beer on the front.  And Ky had made his own card displaying his math skills (18 + 18 = 36).  They also gave him taffy and a pair of Brewer's sleep pants. 

I gave him a card promising him 27 hours of kid free bliss--and well you will have to wait for my next blog entry to read about what we did with all this time.  I am excited.

We had a little time for relaxation and then we were off to the fun fair at Ky's school.  The kids had a blast--though Talia had no desire to pick the guy;s nose in one game (you have to see it to understand.) She also left a little traumatized from musical chairs.  I don't think she understood why there weren't enough chairs for her to sit down when the music stopped.  Poor kid.  Sometimes the concepts of these games are just a bit too much for them at this age.

Now the kids are getting ready for bed--and me too shortly.  I'm tired.  I think Alaina and Talia are too.  They were both having meltdowns.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow and truly celebrating with my husband!

Proverbs 5:18
May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.


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