Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25th Happy Birthday Talia

My baby is 3!  My baby is 3!  She has been such a blessing in my life!  I love that girl.  I can't believe that she is already 3.  Wow!  Time has FLOWN by.  I am so thankful that she still likes to be held by me and loves to crawl in my lap and give hugs and kisses.  I will continue to cherish this time.  All too soon, I know she will be too big for all this.

This morning we woke her up in the traditional birthday song.  I have to say that she tried or pretended to be asleep for a long time!  I think that is a first.  She finally did get up after giving big brother a BIG hug.  She was quite excited that "I woke up and now I'm FEE!" 

I would like to say it was a smooth morning, but it wasn't.  I had been talking to Kylan about how he can help out in the morning like pour milk for everyone or get cereal out.  Well, he decided he was going to try to help out--and ended up dumping milk down the side of the refrigerator--OUTSIDE that is.  So we had to move the refrigerator out so we could clean behind.  Sounds easy enough, but the fridge wouldn't move.  Turns out we had TONS of toys stuffed under the fridge.  It took us 10 minutes or so to fish them all out.  When we finally moved the fridge--YUCK!  We haven't moved that fridge in 5 years.  There were more toys and TONS of dust.  It took some time to clean it up and by then the kids only had 10 minutes to eat before we had to leave for school.  That was when Ky told us his school was practicing a code red today so that no kids could get killed again.  ARGH!  The teacher talked to them about Sandy Hook!  ARGH!  We had kind of kept that quiet. I don't mind Ky knowing--I just wanted to talk to him one on one about it and not in front of Alaina.  AND Ky had some details wrong.  He thought that the Sandy Hook massacre had occurred at his school several years ago. 

So we had to correct that (remember 10 minutes to eat) and then explain what happened in kid terms and how his school is safe.  EGADS!  I think we did okay.  And we did make it out the door in time.  Phew!

I was a bit late getting to the gym, but it all worked out.  I had planned to work with Olesya on her house at 9:30.  I made it, but was a few minutes late.  Olesya and I have decided to do a "helper" swap.  Every week we go to her house or my house and work on a project together.  Today we worked on clearing out her basement.  We did really well.  I think her husband will be quite impressed and surprised to see things so clean!  Talia and Alaina had a good time playing dressup dolls with her daughters Charlotte & Elaina. (And watching Frozen of course.) 

After taking Alaina to school (Talia walked/ran all the way there and BACK!  So impressive, especially since last year Alaina would cry just about going one way!)  We then went to our friend Crystal's house to drop off a bike we aren't using for her daughter Mei.  Little Mei is such a ball of sunshine!  I love that girl!  It was great seeing her again.  And I LOVED seeing Crystal gush about her. This little girl has brought such joy to the family.

After that I took Talia to a famous local restaurant in Madison.  The place is character crazy with tables that have games and then characters of all sorts flying through the air.  I am always disappointed with the food--but it is more about the experience, and so it was once again.  I was disappointed in the food --a $12 salad of BLAH!, but Talia enjoyed every minute of it and loved getting a balloon and a free ride on the carousel. 

After that I brought her home for a VERY short nap, before I woke her up to pick up the kids.

For dinner we went to Red Robin, where ironically we ran into Crystal & her family.  They were there celebrating their son's Zac's b'day which is tomorrow.  Alaina was excited to see Mei again.  We really have to do another playdate again soon.  Ky & Zach were also excited to see each other.  It really has been TOO long since we have all gotten together.  T

Talia didn't eat much of her meal, but she ate plenty when the ice cream came.  Picky kid!  Things will be changing at home now that she is 3.  What's really odd is that she picked pizza to eat.  It doesn't make sense that she wouldn't eat it!

After dinner we came home to open presents.  Talia liked the funny glasses (though they dont' fit on her face) and puzzle that Ky got her.  I can't find the present (a tiara) that Alaina got her--my fault I know--I keep apologizing.  She then seemed to enjoy all the presents we got her.  We got her sparkly pink  kitty shoes (that ironically match Anna from Frozen), the book Go Dog Go (which she LOVES), the movie Frozen (let's be honest, that is for ALL the kids and now Ky can stop telling me that he is the only kid that has NOT seen the movie), and an Anna doll with a dress up dress that she ADORES!  Yeah, I think we did pretty good.

I had originally wanted to get her the 2 pack Anna and Elsa doll--but of course, when I went to order it they were suddenly out of stock EVERYWHERE!   And the few places that had it was selling the $40 set for over $100!!!!  CRAZY!  We finally decided on this doll--and not to wait.  (Yeah, I was calling Target every morning because they were "suppposed" to be getting a shipment--but it never arrived.)  I am glad that we ordered that doll when we did because the next day IT TOO was out of stock!  CRAZY--seriously the Frozen dolls are very hard to find.  I was even just trying to find the barbie type dolls and they are gone.  It's pretty frustrating that Disney does not produce enough of these toys.  I think they like the demand though--and they probably figure it helps  drive up the price.  ARGH!

Anyway--she loves the doll and the dress and loves that her shoes ironically match the dress.  She even went to bed with Anna tonight.  Totally worth it.  I am so glad she had a good birthday.  At the same time, I am a bit sad.  These years have gone by WAY TOO FAST!  I am so glad that I have this time with each of my children now.  I can look back and see that I spent a LOT of time with them when they were little and I can cherish each moment.  I am thankful for each moment God gives me with my kids.  Looking across the street at our neighbors who lost their daughter last year, constantly reminds me to really enjoy this time I have with them. 

Psalms 127:3-5
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

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