Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Wednesday, April 2nd

I am thankful that this day is ending.  After dealing with an upset overemotional child who wanted to do too much after school, I am pooped!

Kylan loves his sports.  Now that the weather is getting warmer, he wants to play outside when he gets home from school.  But homework comes first.  However, he gets himself in a frenzy because he rushes things and then doesn't do them right.  EGADS!  Yeah--he never made it outside today, which I think was for the best and perhaps? a lesson?  Perhaps???

It was a good day overall.  Ky was excited to have frozen milk again for breakfast.  I packed him a "belated" April Fool's lunch of playfood.  Yup, I packed him the wooden Melissa & Doug food.  Oh--that was fun.  Since I worked in Ky's class I got to watch him open up the containers and see the expression on his face.  Totally worth it!  Oh the joy of being a mom of a boy who really enjoys my jokes.

After school pick-up the day was frustrating and I wasn't the best mom in my response.  I pray that God will help guide me to respond in a better way that will help my children grow in character. 

This morning was a amusing as Talia was screaming as the garbage man took away our old couches.  She was so sad.  It was cute.  I recorded some of it, but I wish I had pulled out the camera faster to get the video of her banging on the windows.  Those couches have been amongst 3 (maybe more) families in the last 30 years.  They serves us well, but it was time for them to go!  Good-bye couches!  And good-night!

Psalm 86:15
But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.

oh, to be more like God in my parenting....


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