Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday April 14

I hope your taxes are done!

Hmmm...where did I leave off....

Yesterday, was a rough morning at church working with the 2 year olds.  However, I am thankful that I am able to be a help and work in Talia's class so parents can focus on God.  Yeah--it was a rough morning.  I think I will just leave it at that.  I will say that Taia needs to get over her jealousy and adjust to sharing mom with others.  She is plenty loved, and she knows that.  There is no threat to our relationship.

It was a busy Sunday--with LOTS of rain.  Thankfully after church and a quick workout, it did stop long enough for Ky to have his first baseball practice.  Rob is really happy with the new coach-so we are hopeful for a good season where Kylan will really learn and grow.  After that we went and looked at a house in our neighborhood that is for sale.  Square foot-wise, it is bigger than our house.  But after looking at it and the layout, it was smaller and would not work.  The master suite was awesome--and if we didn't need so much living space, I would have LOVED the house.  The dining room and living room were much too small though, which was a disappointment.  Once again, Rob and I are faced with the question--should we add on? or should we just continue to keep our eyes open.  Our friend, Karl, who is a contractor has agreed to meet with us soon to discuss adding on.  Our house works for us now, however, as the kids get bigger we need another bathroom with a shower.  And Rob and I have always wanted to have a master suite for ourselves (with bathroom and large closet.)  An addition would solve both of these problems.  Hmmm...

Ryan came shortly after visiting the house and we enjoyed a pumpkin pancake dinner with him.  It has been nice to have him stop in and stay a bit.  The kids love him.  And we will miss him next year when he moves to St. Louis for school.  For now, it is nice that we get to spend a little extra time with him as he goes to Ft. McCoy for his trainings. 

Today, Ryan was a wonderful blessing by watching the kids while I ran out.  The toy I want for Talia is not to be found ANYWHERE! So we had to decide on a different birthday gift for her.  It is purchased and will be shipped to our home soon.  I also stopped at the plant store and purchased 2 blueberry bushes!  YEAH!  I am excited I got one small and one large one.  MMMM....can't you just taste the blueberries!  I purchased ones that have beautiful brilliant colors in the fall. 

Ryan left shortly after I came back. I have to say, the day kind of fell apart after that.  I figured that since I had so many plans for the kids over spring break, that today would be a good day to get ahead of the housework so we could just enjoy the days to come.  Well--the kids didn't like my plans too much.  Let's just say it was a rough afternoon and I am thankful that the day is coming to an end.  (I type this as Talia is screaming  because she doesn't want to go to bed....ugh!  To be 3....Have I mentioned that 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 is my least favorite age.  Each kid goes through the same thing....they want to exert authority and well--they just aren't going to win, especially when it comes to going to bed.)

I'm exhausted, but am thankful that we have so much.  It snowed--which I think put us all in a bummer mood (for the first day of Spring Break.)  I spent much of the day sorting out summer vs. winter clothes.  (Which is ironic when it is snowing outside...)  I am thankful for the clothes, many which have been given to us by others.  I am thankful for a fun day ahead with friends.  I am also thankful that the laundry is ALMOST done!  Until tomorrow!
II Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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