Friday, April 25, 2014

Thursday, April 24

So Wednesday was the usual CRAZY busy day.

Kids to school, grocery store, Menards for more mulch, gym, take Alaina to school, volunteer in Ky's class and then FINALLY get home just in time for Talia's nap! PHEW!!!  And half the day isn't even over!

It was nice to run in to my friend Olesya at the store and then to run with her at the gym.  I am glad that she was able to renew her membership. 

Volunteering in Ky's class is always fun.  I love working with one student in particular.  I think it's his smile and happy demeanor that just makes me want to come back. I have definitely noticed he has improved in reading over the past several months I have worked with him.  I also have noticed my Spanish has improved.  I am noticing more words that I understand and my pronounciation is better.

After Talia went down for a nap, I finished mulching the raspberry bushes and began making cupcakes for the Fancy Nancy party.  I worked on a lot of other preparations as well.  Then it was afterschool pick-up, snack and homework time, and then Alaina had t-ball practice.  (IT WAS A CRAZY DAY!)  And sadly the day was NOT done.  We left practice early to take Ky to AWANA's and we had our last marriage seminar.  Let's just say by the end of the night I was beat--but still had more Fancy Nancy party prep to do.  I ended up being kind of late with that, but it was all worth it!

Thursday was the 3rd Annual Fancy Nancy Party.  It was great to have so many friends come (as well as 2 newcomers!)  Olesya and her twins Charlotte & Elaina, Lyn and her son Eli, Jamie & Arianna, Rachel & Ashton, Angela & Violet, Cindi & Teyla, Ann & Laura, Michele & Lexi and finally Talia, Alaina & Me. 

We were dressed in our finest--my dress was from a college formal.  Alaina insisted on wearing her favorite wedding dress (the best gift EVER from Aunt Julie--it has gotten A LOT of use!)  Talia wore a ballet recital outfit a friend gave us a few years back.  She was ecstatic to wear the bright yellow number with pink leopard print tights and red shoes.  She was the epitome of Fancy Nancy.  The kids were all dressed quite fancy and had a good time.  I had some refreshments (though not as much as years passed since it was in the morning.) I made cupcakes in the shape of a butterfly.  (Before Talia said she wanted a ballerina cake she had said she wanted a butterfly cake, so I figured she would appreciate the cupcake formation.)  We had a bead necklace table, make your own wand table, color Fancy Nancy, tattoo, stick on earrings & nail decal area.  It was fun to watch the kids just enjoy themselves.  I was able to read a book to the kids while they decorated and ate their butterfly cupcakes.  It was really nice.  At the end of the book the characters practiced balancing walking correctly with  bananas on their heads, so I pulled out the bananas for the kids.  It was fun to watch them walk around. 

We attempted to take a group picture.  I didn't get all of the kids in any of the pictures. Oh well!  The kids had a great time and that is all that mattered.

After the kiddos left--with jewelry and ring pops (of course!), Olesya was kind enough to help me clean up a little.  I love that lady! 

After taking Alaina to school and feeding Talia lunch, I noticed an email from a friend that my favorite garage sales were open NOW!  So we skipped Talia's nap and took off for the sale.  It was totally worth it, and I think Talia enjoyed doing something with just me (and getting out of her nap.)  I picked up a pair of ice skates for Rob, pants & snowpants for Ky, a dress for Alaina, and a few odds and ends for my friend Julie's girls.  We had great timing as well.  It was raining before we went to the sales and started raining as we left--but it did not rain on us as we were out. 

When we got back I suggested to Talia that we snuggle on the couch until Ky & Alaina got home.  Talia seemed to like the idea, but never actually followed through.  :(  She did however attempt to fix my hair. 

The remainder of the day was uneventful.  It continued to rain so Ky's ball practice was cancelled (yeah!)  We enjoyed a homemade dinner and a more relaxing evening, though Alaina did throw a fit about her bathwater being cold (it wasn't) and then after her fit proceeded to play for 20 some minutes happily.  Too often these kids don't make sense. 

I am thankful that we had the opportunity to have the Fancy Nancy Party and the kids enjoyed it.  I am thankful that my girls have the opportunity to be girly and feel grown up.  I am thankful that we have many good friends that could share the day with us.  I am thankful that  some day I will look back at Alaina's tantrums and laugh. I am thankful for my little girl Talia who will be 3 years old tomorrow!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up

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