Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Wednesday April 9

I am thankful for waking up to a beautiful sunshine-y day!  It was gorgeous!  The girls and I had a busy morning and the sun just made it seem wonderful.  It was also great to seen my good friend Julie (even if it was for TOO short of a time) and then visit with my friend Olesya. 

Olesya and I have decided to try to spend a few hours together each week and work on projects that we both want to get done in our houses.  Our girls play together so well--that we should be able to accomplish alot.  I am excited!

Today, I am thankful that even though Ky's teacher was not at school today, I was able to help another teacher during my volunteer time.  I am also thankful that Talia was flexible enough to be okay with not eating with his brother.

I am thankful for snacktime outside!  Did I mention it was a beautiful day?  I am hoping that on Thursday and Friday I will be able to work outside a bit on the raspberry bushes and plant the blackberry bushes I bought.  Did I mention that I bought blackberry bushes! YES I DID!!!!  So now fruit wise I have a cherry tree, an apple tree, a strawberry patch, a raspberry patch, and 2 blackberry bushes AND I plan to purchase a few blueberry bushes this summer too!  YIPPEE!!!

I am thankful for our marriage seminar.  Despite the fact it is the second time we have taken this seminar, we are continuing to learn and grow.  I am so blessed to have a husband that wants to keep our marriage strong and go to these meetings.

Hosea 2:19
And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy.

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